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Everything posted by Eugelicious44

  1. Hi, Dean. I am test driving my journey right now. My transmission temperature is up to228 oil 190 coolant 190. So the radiator has straight water in it. No antifreeze, so i'm going to put some antifreeze and see if maybe that helps cool it off, maybe a little bit, I don't, I don't know what else to do
  2. @ Dean h Thank u Dean for replying. I'll test drive it and record the temps. I'll do every 15 mins for an hr or til it gets around 200.
  3. Good day, you guys hope it runs well. I have a 2017 dodge journey 3.6l . I got a code. I read it at the Dodge. Dealership, it started out with a shift solenoid. G, then a fluid pressure switch, send the isolenoid pack then the p c m. After over $2000, my transmission is still overheating. Any ideas
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