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Laura Johnson

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About Laura Johnson

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    U.S. Pacific Coast
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  1. My boyfriend fixed this , the wires that go to fuse box . My ac still comes on itself tho but all other issues have stopped like battery light , one window not working , the only think I have not figured out is the ac come on in the front by itself, if I cut off it comes back on
  2. So about 4 months ago my dodge journey crossroads 2.4l2wheel drive /4 cylinder battery light came on . I went to o Reillys and had them test by battery and they say d it was a bad battery. So the next day I had my boyfriend take my battery out and bring it to to them to trade for another one because it was thrown a battery light and every time it got tested it would say bad battery. This has been going on for months !! Yesterday he put a brand new one in and this morning I start my vehicle and the battery light pops right on again !!! Everyone says it’s the alternator, but no it test good . It has never went completely dead but once , it wouldn’t start one time in the rain and then it just started 5 minutes later . Obviously there is something going on , in 4 months I’ve got a new battery every month , the battery light stays on and batt test low , bad battery every time !!! I was wondering if it may have something to do with my ac or my heat pop on 24/7 by itself, if I turn it off it pops right back on , it never gets a break and I have had my truck two years now . I get oil changes regularly, I have catalyst converter changed , last summer after check engine light throwing code , I had exhaust leak got new manifold, speak plugs changed this was 1300 dollars, from a plus auto . I had 4 batteries in 4 months, two months ago a o2 sensor and struts , &one pair of brake shoes only because a rock got stuck in one and made a mark . Long story short after he put battery in yesterday, he said something is wrong with your vents , they are blowing. We tried and tried to turning them on back and forth and would not work , today I get in push to start and as I’m reversing battery light pops on and ac starts blowing! I’m convinced I need to do a test to check voltage, maybe it’s in wiring , or something isn’t going to the accurate voltage, ima do the test and hook up to battery , my battery is hard to get to . Wish me luck 🍀, anyone dealt with this. Laura Beth
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