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Everything posted by 99lbcummins

  1. Had the charging system tested all is good! That's a wrap on this project.
  2. Yes they are. I had a 2004 Dodge 2500 diesel the batteries lasted 10 years from the factory. It's been a great car for us. We bought it new and it has 125k on the clock. Just this year the center console and door arm rests started cracking, and the DS window started not working all the time. But it has served us well.
  3. It's my wifes car. I asked her if she had any lights pop up she said no. Replaced the battery tonight, changed the oil/filter and air filter on her car. All seems well reading 14.2-.3 volts with my meter. I'll drive it down to the parts house Monday and have the system checked with their tester. I work another double tomorrow.
  4. I agree with both of you on the alternator and that was my plan to begin with. It's the original battery so it's probably close to 8 years old. Might as well replace it as well. It's been a great car thus far. Only other "major" repair has been a pinion seal replacement for $400. Which is a steam imo.
  5. Thanks for the reply sir. I believe you're right. It's my wifes car and I was at work yesterday on a double. I hooked up my jump pack when I got off and it started and ran for a minute then died again. I left it in the driveway. I'll hook my car up and jump it when I get off today and let it "charge" enough to get it back to the barn to replace the battery.
  6. Hello all. I've searched for an answer to my issues but my 2017 V6 Journey won't restart. Was waiting for the bus for my child and turned it off. Wouldn't restart. Could only get the display to turn on once or twice. When it did come on it wouldn't do anything? Looking for ideas.
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