Alright so I have a 2009 Dodge Journey SE, 2.4L il4, automatic transmission. Unfortunately, my motor blew up yesterday while I was driving along(i had just started moving after having stopped, and I had barely hit 20MPH @ 3k RPMs when my motor locked up and my crank case decided it wanted a new window). I'm debating on putting a new motor in it because it's my only vehicle at the moment and I can't afford a new one, which leads to my question: how hard would it be to swap out the old 4Cyl for the V6 that came in the higher trim models? Are motor mounts/wiring harness connections/etc. the same? I know that the Journey was more or less built for everything to be as cheap and cookie-cutter to assemble as possible, but I HATED how sluggish my 2.4L was, and would like to have some more power to work with.
At the end of the day, I'm on a SUPER tight budget and literally just need to be able to get to work, but if the price difference and amount of extra labor involved aren't too outrageous, I figure I may as well turn my Journey into something that I can actually stand driving.
Any advice/information is valuable and appreciated, thank you in advance!