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Everything posted by Leroy

  1. Hi Dean, it is the 2.4l engine. thank you.
  2. Unfortunately i had this same code with cylinder 2 a few years ago on my 2013 SE 2.4l and it was the head gasket. i had a little over 71K miles and the extended warranty i purchased ended at 70K. i was not happy as it was a $1,500 repair but i paid it. I wrote to Dodge customer service and they issued me a check for half the cost. I had the repair completed at the local dealer and had to send Dodge my invoice. I felt somewhat better about the situation but still upset the head gakset failed after 5 years. Good luck with your Journey.
  3. Hello everyone, does anyone know the specs on what size and type of bolt is used on the throttle body support bracket (2013 Journey SE). I had to replace the intake manifold gasket and discovered the throttle body support bracket bolt was missing. all i can think is about 6 years ago i had the dealership replace the head gasket and they forgot to install it. i cant locate it on any OEM parts sites or in the Haynes manual i purchased. Any help is appreciated. i may go to a junkyard and pull one if i can find a Journey there.
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