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About MajorPain

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    Canada Ontario
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  1. I guess the cost of buying a replacement to find that's not the issue.
  2. Couple weeks ago we had snow and ice fall off the roof and hit the front of my vehicle. Bent the hood and right front fender. Cracked the windshield slightly and bent the passenger wiper arm. Over all it's not a big issue as everything seems to be working fine. 2016 Dodge Journey 2.4L Yesterday we had rain and wipers were working fine. Wipers were left on when I got home and shut off the truck. We had wind a a dusting of snow and ice on the vehicles. I went out to warm up the vehicle before leaving and noticed the wipers attempted to move but they were iced to the windshield. Generally is stops for a bit and starts up again once the wipers are lifted off the windshield and no longer stuck. But drove around for 2 hrs and tried it occassionly but they no longer work. I swapped the fuse with another fuse to test it but still didn't work. I swapped the two relays but still didn't work. (but both relays are for the wipers). Normally when you turn the wipers on the headlights turn on. But now turning the wiper switch doesn't turn on lights either. So not sure what to check. I'd thing if the wiper motor blew, the switch would still turn on the lights. Keep see the switch died because the wipers were frozen to the window.
  3. Thanks. So the book is wrong on fuse location. It's actually under the hood F172 and it was fine. I was checking codes couple days ago and there was a new code which I forget at the moment but I think it was related to the rear wiper park position. Guess it could be a short and not sensing anymore. Next will be the rubber boot.
  4. So several years ago the read wiper motor started acting up. At times it was making clicking noises when turns on which made me think the gears were going bad. It eventually stopped working completely and I never took the time to fix it till now. I purchased a new motor and it was actually very easy to swap out with the old. Did a test run of it and there is nothing. I'm going on the assumption that the motor is good and then my next step was to check the fuse. Looking in my book, it says the rear wiper fuse is F115 located in the fuse panel inside passenger floor area. (absolutely nearly impossible to see) On the lid, which I'll attach a photo, there is no F115 spot. Tried looking in the fuse box area but hard to see but I don't see and extra fuses. Some extra empty slots. So anyone ever come across a fuse not being there?
  5. Fixed. Turned out the new FOB batteries were duds. No FOB and all exterior buttons and handles for the locks don't work.
  6. On a side note and not sure if it's related, but I had a new trouble code come up since being at the garage B230C(13) which seems to relate to the rear wiper park relay. The rear wiper motor has been dead for about 2 yrs so I never worried about it. Bought a new one 2 yrs ago but never took the time to install it.
  7. Hello all. New here. So a little background, I took my 2016 Journey to the garage yesterday to replace the rear coil springs. I was told after it was finished that it was a very difficult job where they had to remove the back interior to get at the upper bolts. Picked up the truck and drove it home, and on the drive I noticed the center upper rear hatch door cover was hanging downfrom the roof. I looked inside and everything looked fine so I snapped it back in place. This morning I went out to move the truck and it kept telling me the key FOB wasn't found. I had forgot it in the truck over night and we had cold winds last night likely hitting -20C. I grabbed my spare FOB and it didn't work either. Changed the batteries in both and still didn't recognize the FOBs, and pressing the buttons on the FOBs does nothing. Tested the batteries and they both were about 3.4-3.5V so batteries are fine. I then checked the buttons and found the interior lock buttons work but the exterior driver and passenger doors as well as the rear hatch door buttons don't work. I can use the FOB to press the start button and it does start. I checked the fuse under the hood and swapped it with another in case and no change. So now I'm not sure where to look next. I'm wondering if the mechanic may have done something when pull the interior apart and replacing it. I've opened the rear door plastic cover off the was originally dangling but I don't see anything that stands out that could be an issue.
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