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Shriram last won the day on December 20

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Thank you so much for the detailed information in the link. I will fix it now.
  2. John/Horace you are a life saver. Thank you so much. I just disconnected the viscous coupler electrical connector and all the loud thudding went away. And my car runs smooth. Only the dash shows a text "Service AWD". Hahaa the fix was so simple. https://youtu.be/6Wpx8tjjTx0
  3. John/Horace you are a life saver. Thank you so much. I just disconnected the viscous coupler electrical connector and all the loud thudding went away. And my car runs smooth. Only the dash shows a text "Service AWD". Hahaa the fix was so simple.
  4. I got 2014 Journey AWD, I am facing the same THUD & Cluncking when turning or randomly. I hate it and want to fix it. How do u know what to replace ? Is it the Viscous coupler or the rear differential ? Or you are suggesting to replace the whole assembly as a one thing ?
  5. This is the CEL code I got for my 2014 Dodge Journey 6 cyl. with 140k miles. Does anyone have any expereince deling with this ?
  6. I am ending this topic with a happy note. I was able to install new oil seal and i left the inner hard rubber bushing as is. Its not leaking or anything. Its workin fine. I was able to add the gear oil in from the vent tube by preheating. This is very important else the oil is really thick and takes a long time to go in. To aid with the air bubbles to pass, i inserted a thin wire and pulled and pushed it. https://photos.app.goo.gl/yLQBoRhYsWEqRTMX8
  7. Thank you John for your comments. I will do that and see. I was hoping u will comment as you have done on so many threads and your comments are great!
  8. Yes I spoke with Dodge dealership, they said this is not a servisable part. U have to replace the whole PTU. I will probably go to a harware store to see if I can find a rubber bushing of that size and if I can insert it. Please suggest me if you got better idea of how to stop that leaking oil coming out of the bushing.
  9. I have removed the outer seal, and got the new replacement part. I am trying to find the rubber bushing part. But I cannot find it. Do u know where I can buy that inner rubber bushing ?
  10. 2014 Dodge Journey AWD, 3.6 ltr. The oil was leaking from the oil seal at the PTU Output shaft going to right (pass side) intermediate CV axel. I pulled out the outer rubber seal and found that the inner rubber bushing inside the PTU is hard like rock and brittle broken. My question is 1) How to replace that rubber bushing ? 2) If I cant replace it, and i just install a new outer rubber seal, will it stop the oil leak ? Here are some pics what i m dealing with. Please let me know your response \ comments.
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