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About mamuar

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Thank you, oil level reads full. As I was asking before, can a normal person,with the ability replace a sensor. ( would it require more parts than just the sensor? ) for the parts that have to be removed to get to the sensor.
  2. Can a normal person replace this sensor ? Is there more than a sensor to replace ( like seals ,etc. ) or is it just take off some parts and it's there.? I have seen it on you tube and they say 1 hr.
  3. Got the PO6DD code.but also when I go to kick the gas pedal down to get and go it does not kick down. It just gradually gains speed. And my oil psi does not go up past 37 psi. It does not bog down just no get and go. It Just hit 160000 miles, only issue ever had was , we hit a deer years ago. And was repaired. Oil had been change less than 3000 miles ago.and is clear. Only drive car 16 total miles a day.
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