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  1. crepead- I was getting responses like that for the first '"5" visits to the service department, each tech I spoke with and demonstrated the noise for gave me a different answer. It was while making gradual left hand turns, at speeds from 10-35 mph that the noise could be heard. I was told it was a power steering noise, a suspension bushing noise, an engine exhaust rubbing noise. the power steering pump was replace, the rack and pinion was replaced. still the same noise. I was told by the operations manager it was " Not a safety issue, but a performance issue" so the dealership was not allowed to perform any further repairs on our Journey until Chrysler techs were allowed to examine the vehicle. I refused to allow my wife to drive a vehicle with rubbing noises while turning, and have been in a rental car since July 1st, Chrysler backpedaled and agreed to start the buyback/replacement process on July 3rd. it is now the 17th, and we have heard from the mediator at ISG (Impartial Service Group) "1" time, on the 9th and haven't returned my calls since. They arent making any effort in getting us into a replacement car, it almost seems as if they are dragging this out in attempts to have us settle on a lesser vehicle, or a vehicle we dont want as our dealer keeps pushing Sebrings and Calibers on us. yesterday in the mail, we got a recall notice that the engine wiring harness may chafe on the left transaxle mount and cause an engine fire. That seems to be a "Safety Issue, not a Performance Issue" to me. My family has been Chrysler customers for many years, we have purchased 6 Chrysler vehicles in the last 4 years, you would think they would want to keep a customer
  2. robinjoe- We started experiencing rubbing noises with our Journey after about 3 weeks, we've had it in the shop 6 times over the last 2 1/2 months, the noise has been verified by 2 technicians, 1 service manager, and 1 field operations manager, but no solution... they've replaced the power steering pump, and the rack and pinion. noise is still there. they sent out a Chrysler field tech but no repairs were made. We are now engaged in a buy back process with Chrysler.... and only 1700 miles on the Journey.
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