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Everything posted by Windancer

  1. Even though I may prefer chrome, it does look good the way you did it. Terry
  2. I looked at all your photos in your gallery and your car looks great! Well done....... While I am not a fan of the black wheels, I personally would have had chrome but that is just me. congrats!!! Terry
  3. In case anybody is wondering, those things that look like wings on top are my kayak carriers which are used to transport my two 17' touring kayaks, they will also carry my four windsurfing boards. I used to have a Grand Caravan and all my windsurfing gear went inside it, now my boards and masts will have to ride on top.
  4. In case anybody is wondering, those things that look like wings on top are my kayak carriers which are used to transport my two 17' touring kayaks, they will also carry my four windsurfing boards. I used to have a Grand Caravan and all my windsurfing gear went inside it, now my boards and masts will have to ride on top.
  5. From the album: Windancer's Journey

    Showing chrome trim on lower front valance, front air deflector and sunroof air deflector. It also shows the chrome gas cover.

    © ©Terry J. Graham

  6. From the album: Windancer's Journey

    Showing chrome trim on lower front valance, front air deflector and sunroof air deflector.

    © ©Terry J. Graham

  7. This seems to me, probably the biggest single issue that we have on this forum. IMHO both fascias are good looking, Personally I feel there should be a difference between model years, the front fascias are to me a good idea. Some may say the "newer" fascia on the 2011 is more aggresive and sportier, which it probably is. Because I have and so many others have a 2010 or 2009, I may be a little more partial to the so called "old" style. Some may say this is a little jealousy, but seriously it's not. Originally I did like the new fascias better but have changed my mind somewhat. I want people to know that there really is no right or wrong answer here. I sincerly hope that everyone who is expecting the "new" fascia receives the "new" fascia on their 2011 vehicle. I know that 2011 will be remembered as a difficult year for not only Journey owners but many vehicle owners in general. The point I want to make here is that the new fascia as good looking as the newer fascia is, it borrows many of it's styling cues from existing vehicles mostly notably the G.M. Torrent and the Hyundai Sportage. I had last Friday off and I looked at many cars coming towards me and noticed many different front ends. In addition to the vehicles already mentioned, the Chevy Avalanche. several Mazda models among others have a very similiar front fascia to the new Journey. As I said before there should be a visible difference between years of the Journey. IMHO, I think the dash of the 2011 is much better than my 2010 but I like the "Chill Zone" and the rear DVD player that was in my Journey. We all do small things to make our vehicle more indidual to us. I like the R/T emblems that several forum members have added to their cars, so much so that I have ordered a pair of them for my vehicle. For my car I added some chrome trim to the edge of my Hood and Sunroof air deflectors. I have also added that same trim to my black valance below my front grill. To me it looks okay, others may differ and I have no problem with that. Some may not like the chrome 3 "Buick" portholes that I have on my car, personally I do. Personally I find it interesting the mods that people do to their cars, we may not like them all which is fine. I think this came from my convertible PT and the mods done to it. Terry
  8. I don't have anything to compare it to (wish I had), but I find the upgraded Infinity System (Alpine) to be very adequate. although the previous post regarding lack of bass did catch my eye. Terry
  9. I have a Mopar Locking gas cap and IMHO it works well. I bought it for my van and now use it on my Journey. To me it's worth it but that's my opinion. Terry
  10. I bought the miror caps. the door sill plates and the chrome gas cap cover, which look good. I also got the hood air deflector and the sunroof air deflector. On the two deflectors I added some chrome trim which in my opinion looks very good. I also put some chrome trim on the black valance below my grill on the front of the car. It's not overpowering but IMHO helps the front of the vehicle. I 've got some R/T emblems on order from my dealer. I will post some new photos when I get home. Terry
  11. My 2010 works fine with the new lineup, in fact all my previous presets changed to the new lineup values ie:Classic Vinyl went from 14 to 26 without any imput from me. Terry
  12. I know that this is not what you asked but on the 2010's it's not "real" accurate. at least not in my experience. Terry
  13. Just to clarify to all the Americans on this forum, the above figures are a gas consumption rate not mpg, and the lower the number the better. :D I don't mean to state the obvious (and I apologize to those who understand this) but what this means is it took 9.5 litres (2.51 US. gallons) to travel 100 kms. (62.14 miles) which in your terms is approximately 24.76 mpg. using your US gallons. Just clarifying it for you :D If you look at the "My Fuelly" logo at the bottom of my post you see a 15.5 which is my average mileage over 36 fillups and over 12,000 kms (7457 miles), this translates to 15.19 mpg using US gallons. I know this is low but it does take into account we had a very cold winter and lots of snow. I let my car idle and "warm up" on numerous occasions. Terry
  14. I tend to doubt it as I'm sure the dealership wants to sell "their" oil. Fortunately for me anyways, I haven't paid for an oil change since 1991, that was the year I bought my first dodge from my current dealer. He is a small town deatership (45 miles away) and he tends to know everybody by their first name. One of his promises is to give you free oil changes for the life of the vehicle. I get one at every 3 months or 5000kms. I normally take the 3 months due to the little amount that I usually drive. To me it is worth the 45 mile drive as they keep an eye on my car. I am currently on my 6th vehicle from this dealer and he hasn't let me down in 20 years. He is wonderful, I guess that is one of the reasons I continue deal with him. He is very good with warranty work, I get my vehicle in promptly and effciently, it is done right the first time. In fact I spent some time with him last Friday. Obviously this is my opinion only, YMMV. :D Terry
  15. I think it is just the resale value. For most people the 7 seater with more available options is more desirable for second owners. Terry
  16. I agree with mainmango, what don't you like? Just Curious that's all. Terry
  17. You were more correct than you give yourself credit for. I certainly wasn't calling you a liar, I sincerly hope you never took it that way because that is not what was intended. Very true......... I couldn't agree more, like you, Regina had a very a very poor and cold winter. Unfortunately my mileage figures takes into account a lot of idling in cold weather, lots of snow and as you mentioned other winter problems etc. That is why I had such poor gas mileage throughout the winter months. I had my car out on the highway last Friday and my gas mileage took a Huge jump for the better. Terry
  18. I'm not ymaltais but I too have the air deflector on my hood as well as the air deflector on my sunroof. The one on the hood helps to keep bugs off the windshield in the summer. The one on my sunroof keeps it quieter in the car when it is open because it reduces air turbulence around the sunroof opening. Just my opinions though http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/index.php?/gallery/image/280-dscn0071.jpg Terry
  19. I know that this is a very old thread but I just wanted to tell you that I often use Mr. Clean's Magic Erasers to do this job. They are abrasive enough to remove rust spots and brake dust but not so much that they will cause any damage, I then used Meguirs Carnuba wax on the wheels and they come out very shiny. I've done this many times on my OEM Dodge Wheels on my Journey, as well as my chrome 5 spoke American Eagle 192 rims on my PT. Terry
  20. I'm very curious, do you have a link for this? Terry
  21. Hi swing and mindorensis, welcome aboard from Saskatchewan, lots of great people and info here. I personally have a white 2010 R/T. Enjoy your cars.......... http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/index.php?/gallery/image/280-dscn0071.jpg Terry
  22. I must say it looks good, unfortunately those rubber bands you call tires don't have enough sidewall for me. Thanks for showing us your car. Terry
  23. I am no expert....... but would a 245 wide tire fit the standard Mopar 19" rim comfortably? ie: without the center of the tire bulging out? Terry
  24. Jerith With all due respect, I'm sorry, I have to question the validity of your results. IMHO there is no way you could average 8.2l/100kms. with the 3.5 L V-6 engine, which is what I have in my 2010 R/T AWD. I would be the first person to agree that the AWD probably uses a wee bit more gas than a standard FWD vehicle. I have averaged my vehicle's mileage over 12,000 km and 35 fillups, this is the results I have gotten. You can see my results by clicking on the "My Fuelly" logo in my sig . below. My results are based on very accurate records that I record immediately upon fillup. I apologize to the other listmembers as I have posted this before in another thread, My results are pretty much in line with other owners of similiar vehicles all over North America. The best mileage I ever got was 9.3 liters/100 kilometers. That was on the highway on a trip from Lethbridge, Alberta to Regina, Saskatchewan. As I'm sure you're well aware that is very flat piece of highway. If I only used that fillup to base my gas mileage on, then I would have a very impressive number, but I don't, I use a very real world number, using 36 fillups and averaging my mileage over 12,000 kms. A very much more meanifull number Am I lying when I say my car gets 9.3l/100 kms? NO Am I "stretching the truth a little? YES. Those numbers are based on many fill ups not 1 or 2. These are my stats as taken from http://www.fuelly.com which is vastly different than the sticker on my car. As you can see I've tracked my car since day 1 of owning it, http://www.fuelly.co...ndancer/journey nearly 12,000 kms. and 35 fills ups.The US equivelents are what My Fuelly said...... sorry I wasn't going to get out a calculator and convert everything. The first 10 or so tanks were mid grade gas and the remainder were regular. My driving consists of 70% city and 30% highway. I do get very good gas mileage on the highway but it goes down drastically as soon as I hit the city driving. As many of you already know, I have a 2010 loaded up R/T Journey. The reason I shared this is I have nothing to hide and show some proof of the gas mileage. Don't get me wrong, I love my car, unfortunately it Does Not get the implied gas mileage on the sticker. As I mentioned in a previous post, that is done under very ideal conditions. My Fuelly is a very easy, not to mention FREE way of accurately keeping a log of you gas mileage. There are 2 main things from what I posted that are significant. One is the gas mileage in the real world is much different that what you see on the car's sticker and two, we pay a much higher cost of gas than our American friends south of the border. I really would be interested in the gas mileage of the 2011 Journey. As a side note when I filled up yesterday (April 21st), the onboard computer said 17.3 kms, in reality it was closer to 19.0 l/100 kms. Just something to keep in mind. Regards Terry Metric (Canadian) Total Fuel-ups - 35 Avg km/Fuel-up - 348.5 Avg Price/Litre - $1.05 Avg Price/Fuel-up - $56.90 Total km Tracked - 11,847 Last Price/Litre $1.21 (+$0.08) Avg Price/Litre -$1.16 (30 Days) Avg Price/km - $0.16 Avg MPG - 15.2 Best km/Fuel-up - 667.1 12/09/10 Best Price/Litre - $0.79 06/09/10 Total Spent 2011 - $592.85 US Equivelents Total Fuel-ups - 35 Avg Miles/Fuel-up - 216.5 Avg Price/Gallon - $3.98 Avg Price/Fuel-up - $56.90 Total Miles Tracked - 7,362 Last Price/Gallon - $4.58 (+$0.30) Avg Price/Gallon - $4.38 (30 Days) Avg Price/Mile - $0.26 Avg L/100km - 15.5 Best Miles/Fuel-up - 414.5 12/09/10 Best Price/Gallon - $2.99 06/09/10 Total Spent 2011 - $592.85
  25. Wow...... that's good to know. I have 2 chrome exhaust tips so I should have 10 extra hp. and of course that is in addition to the high performance "Racing Air" that I put in my tires. :D Terry
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