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Everything posted by Windancer

  1. No problem......I missed the joke aspect of it....sorry. Terry
  2. Dave Just another thought, be careful that the actuator in each door is okay. Currently one of my actuators isn't functioning because when I washed the car, water went down my window and froze my door lock, when I used the key fob it actually broke my actuator. I will replace it when it starts to warm up. Terry
  3. With all due respect, I realize you do have some experience driving here when you visit Olds, Alberta, Why do say the AWD Journey does not handle ice very well. Actually I rather doubt that you really understand what icy roads are, considering where you live. ;)Just teasing you......I have a AWD DJ and IMO it is a lifesaver. I live in the heart of the Canadian Prairies where unfortunately and I don't like admitting to it, it is cold and icy at least 5 months of the year and snow and ice are just a fact of life.. At least in my case (other's may differ) AWD has been a very important cog in my life. Terry
  4. This will be the 4th winter I have been through with this car, and I am now experiencing similar problems. When it is really cold my GPS doesn't work, my radio works etc just not my GPS, yet when I drive it even just a few blocks, turn it off and restart it a couple minutes later, everything works like nothing happened. It all started when I had to replace my battery. I have talked to my dealer about this and they advised me to keep an eye on it. We have had some brutally cold weather here on the prairies this year. Terry
  5. I just replaced the battery in my 2010 R/T AWD and my remote never worked either. On my 2010 you can tell if it won't work as you won't get the 2 quick horn chirps when you press the key fob twice. Once the battery was up to snuff never had another problem. We have had some brutally cold weather here on the prairies this winter. Terry
  6. Thanks Rolly, the Sky is safely tucked away in my garage probably until at least April. The point I was trying to make is that, until you actually own a white vehicle you don't realize how easy it is to take care of. Over the years I have owned four black or nearly back vehicles and they looked great all clean and polished but were very ordinary if allowed to get dirty. My white Journey looks great (IMO) when it is clean and waxed, but even dirty it doesn't seem to show the dirt as much, similiar to a siver or champange colour. Yes it is very cold at the moment here, certainly not convertible weather. Terry
  7. I would be the first person to tell you and your wife that when clean a black vehicle looks incredible, but I agree maybe she should try to keep it clean and shiney. it can be very hard and time consuming to keep it looking good. I have a lot of experience when it comes to black vehicles and now have a white Journey. The white car was my first, and it is much easier to keep clean. I used to have a back Dodge Caravan and a black PT Cruiser convertible and now currently have a white Doge Journey and a midnight blue (almost black) Saturn Sky. The white Journey is far easier to keep clean, even though much bigger than either the PTCruiser or the Sky which incidentally are both convertibles making them even smaller. Terry
  8. I've been very happy with my 2010 R/T AWD and have had only minor problems in the 3+ years i have owned it. But something has cropped up in the last month that I would like some opinions on. It seems that if it gets really cold (-30° C or below) my GPS goes blank, yet if I drive the car even for a few blocks, turn the car off for a few minutes and then restart it. it all comes back like nothing has ever happened. It never did this in the previous 3 winters, just wondering your thoughts on this. Terry
  9. -25° C is cold, but we here on the Canadian Prairies we are a hardy bunch and the temp often goes to -40° C in the middle of our winters, which coincidentally is also -40° F. I live about 400 miles east of the OP in Regina. At -25° C. If your battery is strong and your car is plugged in or to say the block heater is working the car will turn over, getting heat will take some time as the engine warms up. Terry
  10. I have a 2010 Dodge Journey with the nav you show. I think in 2010 that is the only location that a nav can go. Terry
  11. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, just out of curiosity......Why????? The level of lubrication is lowered, thus increasing friction, thus lowering fuel mileage. Terry
  12. I'm no expert and don't profess to be, but I would expect that to be part of the problem. Terry
  13. I agree with Journey_SeXT, that is very high, too high in fact, right up there with Chris in Saskatoon. I am getting high 17's or low 18's and I feel that is too high. I live in Regina where warm ups are just a given. I would have your dealer look at it or the EVIC because something is definately wrong. I have mentioned it before but here is my complete gas mileage history since I bought the car. http://www.fuelly.com/driver/windancer/journey Terry
  14. If you try to "top it off" it often damages a sensor and a pretty light will come on on your dashboard. When it's full it's full. Terry
  15. I agree......there are: 1 Imp.Gallon = 1.201 US Gallons 1 Imp Gallon=4.54 liters 1 US gallon= 3.78 liters 23.2 mpg US Gallons = 27.86 Imp Gallons 23.2 Imp Gallons = 19.31US Gallons Terry
  16. Debra I too received a message from DodgeCaCares, as I mentioned he takes very good care of us Canadians and will pass this problem on to his American counterpart, while not promising anything, I hope he can help you out, Thanks DodgeCaCares from me and every body else here, your concern makes us all feel better. Terry
  17. Very true and is the owners responsibility to ensure these drains are clear, but as Journeyman said the dealer should show you how.....Debra, please try another dealer and continue with Customer Care (I know it's frustrating) but IMO the Journey is a good car and there should be some resolution. Terry
  18. I have sent a message to DodgeCaCares who looks after us Canadians very well to look at this thread and maybe he can do something for you, not saying he can, but worth a try. Terry
  19. I can not believe a car company engineers their cars to fail. There has to be a solution to this. This has certainly put a damper on my faith in Chrysler......... I would like to see DodgeCares to step up to the plate and answer this one. Terry
  20. Debra I know this is not what you want to hear, I have had a 2010 DJ with a sunroof since it was new in August 2010. Fortunately I have never had a problem with mine. I would keep "hounding" the dealership and the 1-800 customer car line for a resolution to this. I would also go to another dealer as the car is under warranty, I cannot see Chrysler selling a new car with a sunroof problem. Maybe DodgeCares could chime in on this. Terry
  21. Also the 30th anniversary of the minivan if you care. The "Shaker" hood will be impressive. Terry
  22. I agree with Frogbox, DTSGUY's offer to go look at it is great, I would like to get one too but my Journey is a 7 passenger vehicle although the rear seats have never been up. Does anybody know of my options if any? Terry
  23. Welcome Kenny, to a very informative site, there is a vast knowledge here. I'm sure you will find hours of reading material here. Terry
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