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It's NOT a van!

Journey Member
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  1. Have you attempted to replace those all season 19" tires yet? Good luck, you can't! Only one company offers 225/55R19 and they aren't the best tires (per another member) ! I'm in europe and I have a 2009 SXT NOT fwd and I had to buy full winter tires because the all season manufatured tires couldn't climb the smallest hills. Ended up getting 215/65R16 rims and tires because 19" don't exist! Now my Journey handles very well in snow but I'm desperately looking for another company that sells 19" summer tires before the season's over!
  2. I'm in the same boat right now. I ended up buying 16" winter tires with rims as 19" winter tires don't exist. We're kicking outselves in the rear 'cause we should have gone with the 17' rim cause as it is right now, we can't get 19" SUMMER tires! What's wrong with the Kumho tires? Treads not any good? Best place to ask about the tires is the dodge dealer tire sales reps. I'm in Europe and the european's don't use 19" tires so when looking for winter tires, they offered me a variaty of sizes that would be compatiable with my vehicle and steel vs alum. Let me know what you find out. Like I said, I'm looking to buy summer tires NOW 'cause we trashed our 19" all season one when we put on the winter tires because the tread was done. Thanks and GL!
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