Hi From Snowy Gloucester England
Had my Journey for 6 weeks and now has 4000 miles on it . I do love it now but never really thought I would have one I wanted a Diesel 300 but hey ho ended up with Diesel Journey 44 miles to gallon on regular trips to work in Bristol
I finally replaced my old Diesel PT at 125,000 trouble free miles The deal on this was too good to miss . Better deals offered on Nitro diesel but £4000 Tax They are too expensive to run here
My journey has the VW sourced engine and 6 speed transmission, not as torquey as the PT so forget driving it like a diesel, just drive it like a petrol car . There is a shortage of VW diesel engines right now, as they are extremely popular , 4 out of 5 golfs are diesel !
As to Fiat Dodge Lancia . Well the official line is no more Journeys after 2010 models for UK This now seems to be , changing, but if the 2011 models do come , they will be badged as Lancia, or Chrysler . 300 Series will be rebadged as a Lancia . Fiat want to re establish that brand here in UK That will be the daeath knell for the 300 No one here will ever buy Lancias again
Fiat are keen to see their small cars in the USA, so will develop and sell small stuff out there as Chryslers or Dodges Ask American about the Dodge Aries or Chrysler Horizon as we knew it Yanks won't buy small Dodge cars . The car that saved Dodge was the Caravan/ Town and Country MPV and their tie up with Mitsubishi .
Started with a Neon then a PT now a Journey . Still it looks like a one way Journey , but perhaps we will see .