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Everything posted by linaso

  1. linaso


    Actually 265's are 40mm or about 1-9/16" wider than 225's and the using a 265/55 tire on a 19" rim would be much too tall. 265/55's sidewalls would be about 7/8" taller which would throw your speedometer off probably by a few mph. A more practical solution would be to use a 245/50/19. 245/50/19's would be just under 3/4" wider than stock 225/55/19's and only about 3/64" less height in sidewall. That would be negligible in speedo accuracy, probably less that 1/2 mph difference. Another option would be to switch to 18" wheels. You could use 225/60/18's which again would be a negligible difference in the speedo compared to 225/55/19's.
  2. You either have bad luck, or superbrightleds has a bad batch of bulbs. I have had mine in for months now and no problems whatsoever. Knock on wood.
  3. www.superbrightleds.com has them @ $11.95 ea. You can find them here. http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/sto...t=50#4210-xHP12 The "C" in CWHP12 stands for "cool". When you select cool white rather than warm white, you will get CWHP12's rather that WHP12's.
  4. Raybestos makes ceramic brake pads for the Journey. I had to get new front pads in February. Ceramics are definitely the way to go. I get almost no brake dust. My rear wheels still get brake dust because they have not been changed yet. I used to clean the brake dust of off the front wheels almost daily. Now, even if I wash the car once a week, there is virtually no brake dust to clean on the fronts. When it's time for rear pads, I will change those to ceramics as well. The Raybestos part number for ceramic front pads is PGD1273C and the rears pads are PGD1326C. autopartsgiant.com for one, sells them. Your local mechanic should be able to get them for you as well. In February, my local Dodge dealer said ceramics were not available, but they were available from Raybestos where I had my local mechanic get them and replace them for me.
  5. From what I hear, the car companies are cutting costs and are using cheaper materials. I'm sure that includes brake pads as well. I googled this subject and it appears to be an industry-wide problem, even on higher end cars. I've read about complaints with Honda and Nissan as well. Besides, the Journey curb weight can be as much as 4239 lbs. whereas a Toyota Prius only weighs 2932 lbs. It's going to take more to stop the Journey, thus wearing out the brake pads faster.
  6. In general I would say yes it is safe to run the Journey through a car wash with brushes. I almost exclusively run mine through a brush type car wash, and have done so at least 25-30 times. I did notice that my car wash uses a top brush that spins up and moves front to back as it cleans the hood and roof. My guess is this is quite standard with these type of car washes and minimizes damage to cars and antennae. Prior to the Journey, I had a Suburban with the long "whip" type antenna and there were no problems there as well. The antenna on the Journey is quite rigid as well as short and does angle backward towards the rear, so I think yours was not likely damaged in a car wash. My best guess on how you got that dent by your antenna was that someone backed out of (or went forward into) a garage with the garage door not all the way up and the antenna caught on the garage door thus flexing the antenna and creating a dent. Do you have a roof rack? I think a Journey without a roof rack with no rails or crossbars to protect the roof would even be more susceptible to that kind of damage. If you haven't owned the Journey for very long, I would take it back to the dealer. They should fix it for you for free.
  7. If you have cleaned the camera eye and it is noticeably better in day rather than at night, you might want to clean the lenses of your reverse lights as well. My Journey seems to give off quite a bit of light at night when in reverse.
  8. My camera stays focused for a good distance. You might want to clean the back-up camera if you have not done that. Recently, I noticed that mine was quite blurry, especially after the roads were salted making my car quite dirty. Wiping the camera lens under the rear tag fixed the blurriness for me.
  9. you can go to this website and download firmware and Gracenote updates that you can burn to disc. http://mofv.com/mygig/ Also, I have had the lockpic for about 3 months. It does unlock video while driving. No complaints here.
  10. I Was at the dealer today for an oil change with 22,000 miles. Mechanic said I have less than 25% left on my front pads. Will probably get new pads at the next oil change around 25,000 miles. Dodge dealer quoted me $240 for front brakes only. He said for about $20 more he would install ceramic pads. I am seriously considering using ceramic pads because of the extreme amount of break dust I get from the metallics. ...A quick update. I couldn't wait until 25,000 miles because one brake started to grind at 23,000. Well, I wanted to put ceramics on, but the dealer said they were not available from Chrysler. So, I searched an found that Raybestos does make ceramic pads for the Journey. The Raybestos part number for ceramic front pads is PGD1273C. I paid my local mechanic $205.00 US for parts and labor (including turning rotors). After about 1000 miles, so far so good. The brakes are quiet and there is virtually no visible brake dust on the wheels. It's too bad that Chrysler doesn't use these as OEM. It's quite nice not having to clean my wheels on a daily basis.
  11. Another update. After having replaced the rear hatch bulbs and License plate bulbs months ago, I have made an improvement from the previous mod. The HP festoon bulbs are definitely the way to go for the interior rear hatch. They are plenty bright but not too bright and the color matches the other interior LED lights...not too blue like the cool whites, not to yellow like the warm whites. I also upgraded the license plate bulbs from the WLED-5's which were not very bright with 921x12's. The 921x12's just fit in the housing, but nevertheless, they do fit. Here's what I ordered from superbrightleds.com. Quantity: 2 Product: High Power 12-LED Festoon bulb Options: 42mm 4210-CWHP12 Quantity: 2 Product: 921-x12 Wedge Base LED bulb Options: Cool White 921-CW12
  12. Did you get the Journey new? Is the Sirius radio working now? It sounds like you received this car from your company and the Sirius radio is working but you don't know when the Sirius was activated. As you probably know, you get Sirius free for 1 year from the date you active the radio on a new vehicle. I would call Sirius. If you tell them your ID/ESN number from your radio Sirius should be able to give you that information.
  13. What model and generation ipod are you using? I have not been able to copy music from my ipod to the mygig HD.
  14. Most songs that are downloaded via itunes are copy "protected". That allows you to them on your ipod and up to 5 different computers. To copy these songs to your mygig you have to burn cd's of your "protected" songs and re-rip them to itunes. You will now have unprotected copies of the songs as well as the original "protected" songs in your itunes library. Now copy your unprotected songs to a flash drive and install them in your mygig radio using the USB port. To my knowledge, that would be the easiest way to copy them to your mygig. Cheers
  15. 3 - The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network mobile. I have heard there is talk about adding more channels, however for now, these are fine for us. When my kids are watching TV at home it's Disney or Nick 95% of the time. I suspect on our long road trip that The Disney Channel will be on more than the DVD movies.
  16. Yes. It is $6.95/month additional, unless it came with your car....then Sirius gives you that service free for 1 year as well as the satellite radio channels. I also see that Dodge has recently added Backseat TV as an available option from the factory.
  17. There is a device that will allow you to do that. It's about $300 however. Here is there web site. http://www.coastaletech.com/MYGIG.htm
  18. Two different Dodge dealers told me the same thing - that an add-on module for Sirius Backseat TV for the mygig radios will NOT be available anytime soon, if ever at all. So, already having the rear seat video option, I took matters into my own hands and bought the SCV1 Sirius Backseat TV tuner kit and installed it myself. Actually a friend and me installed it. It took about 2 hours to install. I fed the power wires through and access hole in the firewall above the drivers side foot well. I ran the red "ignition" wire to an unused fuse in the fuse box designated for rear heated seats. I ran the yellow "battery" wire to the red positive post (where you jump-start the car from). I ran the ground "black" wire to the same place the battery is grounded to. Inside the car, I fed the power wires behind the console to the passenger side, then under the console to the side of the front passenger seat. I placed the TV tuner itself under the passenger seat. I have the tuner itself velcroed (is velcroed a word?) to the floor under the front passenger seat. Backseat TV requires and includes 2 antennae. I placed them on the rear of the roof just inside of the roof rails. The instructions recommend spacing the antennae a minimum of 24" apart, preferably 36" apart or more. They happen to be 35" apart and the signal is just fine. I hid the antennae wire under the rear hatch gasketing down under the plastic hatch sill, then under the rear storage compartment, then under the side plastic to the rear passenger door sills to under the front passenger seat. For those who do not have the factory Sirius radio, This unit will allow you to listen to Sirius radio in the front while the kids watch TV in the rear. But Since I already have the factory mygig with Sirius, I did not need to use the radio tuner portion of the unit. Thus, I also velcroed the DCU (TV tuner display control unit) to the tuner under the seat. So that the included TV remote would work, I ran the included IR remote relay from the TV tuner up the passenger door post under the gasketing to where the white and black trim meet. The remote sensor has it's own Velcro adhesive so I mounted it just below the black/white seam on the black trim so it is inconspicuous. Now, the kids can use the TV remote almost anywhere in the rear of the Journey and the IR sensor will pick-up the signal to change the channel. As far as the audio and video output wires from the TV tuner, they are the only wires that are not hidden. For now I have them run to the rear a/v inputs on the back of the console. I am considering buying the mygig lockpick with the optional a/v cable so that I can hide the those wires by running them under the console to the radio unit. If I do that, ALL of the wires will be hidden and this would be as close as a factory install you can get for a Journey. All in all, the $300 price of the Sirius TV tuner kit should be well worth it. My 10, 8 and 6 year olds are quite happy. I should't be hearing "Are we there yet?" on our 2500 mile+ round trip to Florida.
  19. For those of us who purchased our Journeys, fortunately we have lifetime warranties on our power trains.
  20. If you order the mygig radio w/nav (RER), it is at the top of the stack. If you get the mygig radio without nav (REN), it is at the bottom. The screens both look similar, but the one down low does not have nav. Also, from what I understand, the nav screen is not a touch screen, whereas the non-nav at the bottom of the stack is a touch screen. I have the touch screen at the bottom with no nav and I really like it. And, as inexpensive as good nav units are these days, I figured I could save quite a bit by buying my own portable nav unit, especially since I don't need nav all of the time. I bought a nice Garmin Nuvi for just under $300. Plus, when I'm not using the Nuvi, it stores nicely, cable and all, in the storage bin you get at the top of the stack in lieu of the factory nav unit.
  21. I have a full set of 4 OEM 17" Journey alum. wheels without the TMP's. They have 6,000 miles on them. The tires and the rims are in great shape (No curb scrapes, etc.). They have brand new valve stems and have been rebalanced. I am asking $700 US. If anyone on this forum is interested you can email me at ccbenson@comcast.net. I recently upgraded the the 17's to the OEM 19's (the only remaining option I wish I would have gotten when I bought the Journey).
  22. I believe what you are seeing is the rear window washer fluid nozzle. It's about 1" diameter and 2-3" from the center rear brake light towards the driver's side.
  23. linaso

    Im new!

    I have personally have not had that problem. When not using the roof rack, ideally, the crossbars should be positioned to match-up with the two sets of arrows on the rails. Or, you can take the crossbars off altogether as I have. I have my crossbars stored with the turtle shell I bought to go on the roof rack. The Journey also looks a bit sleeker without the crossbars.
  24. I would not say "completely no visiblility". I'm 6'-1" and I have the rear seat video as well. I have adjusted my seat up and down....no matter what, with the dvd screen all the way down, the bottom of the screen is about even with the 3rd horizonal line in the rear window defogger. If I adjust the screen up a notch for best viewing for the 2nd row, the bottom of the screen is even higher and is aligned with the 1st line on the rear window defogger. Either way I can still see behind in the rear view mirror. A bigger distraction for me are the headrests in the 3rd rows. They actually narrow the rear view quite a bit.
  25. I actually have The 4211-CW6 festoons, not the HP ones. After looking at them for a few minutes now, I can honestly say they are somewhat dimmer than 578's. You do have to point them out towards the lens as the LED's only light on one side. The most noticable difference is with the hatch up and the 3rd row seats up. The light is somewhat dimmer behind the 3rd row seats than with the stock 578's. That's not a big issue to me...yet, as the area is still illuminated. For a Journey without the 3rd row seats, I don't think it would be a big deal either because you also have the factory LED's pointing to the rear (the ones behind the 2nd row pointable LED's), which give off quite a bit of light. All in all, even with less light, I prefer these LED's over the 578 stock bulbs. They just make the interior lighting look a bit more consistant. But now I'm curious! If someone gets the 4210-WWHP6's, I'd like to know how they are? They would probably be more desirable for lighting with the hatch up. But, I'm wondering if they would be too bright with the hatch down and 3rd row seats folded down? Also, they are $15.00 per piece compaired to $4.00 for the non-HP LED's. If the 4210-WWHP6's are a big improvement over the 4211-CW6's, I may break down and buy those as well.
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