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Everything posted by mwhitcomb

  1. The only problem with that theory is that I have a $100 deductible for each problem. If history predicts the future, I am screwed. I have had 7 or 8 issues already in the first 14k miles. Not to mention the inconvenience of having your car in the shop and dealing with the techs who love to tell you that your problems are "characteristic" of the Dodge Journey. No worries for me anymore. I am trading mine in tomorrow for a shiny new GM Acadia. Took a loss on the vehicle, but I am desperate to get out of this money sucking piece of junk. I know GM's are not perfect either, however, I have had 6 GM vehicles and any issues I have had have been fixed and fully covered by warranty - and, most important, not labeled as "characteristic." Can't wait to be done with my Journey, huge mistake.
  2. had to replace front brakes at 9500 miles. It was out of warranty (I purchased the car used with only 5600k miles on it, but it was from 2009). They told me it would not be covered, however, could probably get Chrysler to pay if I front the first $100 which I did. Never once was told about any kind of special coverage or bulletin. This is my first and last Chrysler. Can't believe I switched from GM. This car is littered with problems and only has 13k miles on it. Brakes are just the begining of my growing list. Crap.
  3. I purchased a 2009 Journey R/T used with 6500 miles on it. I really really want to love this car because I have purchased it and am pretty much stuck with it. I love how it drives, I love the features it has, I love the family friendly options, I love look and feel of it, I love the hi-tech entertainment system, etc. However, it has fallen victim to man of the things I have read about on line and it's bumming me out. new pads and rotors at 9900 miles rocker assemblies worn and replaced at 9900 miles power window stopped function correctly weird electrical problems with dash lights turning off when wipers are turned off I too hear the grinding/whining sound when turning left - not sure what it is, but, it doesn't bother me that much assuming it isn't some major problem. I am a little freaked out at the thought of having ongoing brake issues and engine issues this early in the game. I hope hope hope I don't have further issues,or if I do, I hope it is within my warranty period. Sad, because, I really do love the car.
  4. I took my Journey in to the dealership to have the brakes (big shocker right) looked at along with a few smaller issues. They heard a ticking sound in the engine while it was there (I hadn't heard or reported it) and found that both rocker assemblies were worn and needed to be replaced. It was under warranty so I am glad about that, however, completely frightened that I have purchased a crappy car. After ready reviews and forum topics I am literally scared to death that I made a huge mistake buying this darn car. I did buy an extended warranty so it will be covered for many items for 4 additional years (not the crappy brakes that I am sure I'll have to replace over and over again). My car has 9900 miles and so far has had: front pads and rotors repalced both rocker assemblies replaced passenger window repaired (would not roll up corretly) Interior trim piece falling off Lights turn off on dashboard when you shut off the wipers (they said this was normal)
  5. Add me to the list of people who have had to have the front pads and rotors replaced at less than 10,000 miles! I am so angry at myself for not reading the reviews of the 2009 Journey before buying one. I have leased my last 5 vehicles, finally decided to buy. Bought a used Journey R/T with only 6500 miles on it. My first Chrysler product - always bought GM. Brakes started squeaking the 2nd day I owned it. Finally took the car in and found the rotors warped and glazed. Of course, out of warranty. The dealership told me that they could probably go to bat for me with Chrysler, however, I would have to pay the first $100 which I did. I am just so frustrated by all of this because I know it will happen again and again as I have ready about it over and over. Lesson learned, last Chrysler product for me. While the car was in the shop it also had various other repairs that I will post in other sections. I'll keep this one to the brakes.
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