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Everything posted by BraveRon

  1. Went to McDonald's yesterday with the wife for a coffee and muffin deal ($1.39). I had a 2004 Grand Caravan 25th Anniversary Edition (SXT) that had just turned 50,000 km in the 7 years of ownership. We stopped at a local Dodge dealer to check out the deals on the 2010 Grand Caravan clear-out. After a short test drive, was less than impressed and would probably have not traded even (well maybe...). The sales rep suggested we try a Journey R/T, so we did another test drive. I liked the handlling, transmission and interior layout, excepting the radio that was positioned on top of the dash, and somewhat distracting while comprimising road vision. Pricing was a bit higher than I had planned for a Grand Caravan SXT and included two features that I didn't value (AWD + leather). The sales rep did his job well and suggested a Journey SXT that had almost all of the R/T options...less the AWD + leather, and in a colour that just happened to be very close to a Chrysler Crossfire colour that both my wife and myself loved. (Silver Steel Metallic vs Silver Sapphire Metallic), We took this one for our 3rd test drive of the day and 3rd time lucky we found a winner. We completed the transaction in a manner that satisified both the dealership and ourselves. We have owned Caravans and Grand Caravans continually since they were introduced in 1984. Of course there have been some issues over the years, but all were dealt with fairly. Chrysler (and Dodge division) offers great value in it's product.. I am confident that our latest wheels will serve us well. Nobody likes to feel that they made a bad deal. The professionalism of the staff at the dealership, made the day an enjoyable one. (Though I'm glad I had the muffin first, as I did spend a little over my usual daily limit yesterday).
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