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Everything posted by drb227

  1. Can you give the actual part or model numbers of all the speakers you used? Also, any info you can provide on how to remove the door panels or how to get at the dash speakers would be very helpful. Thanks!
  2. The sub is in the back cargo area, on the left side. Just forward of the flashlight. It is behind the grill. I too am not impressed with the base in this Apline system. As I have mentioned in other threads, the MusicGate sound system I had in my Caliber was much better overall than this system. I suspect the system in abeirnes' Patriot was the same system I had in my Caliber, since those vehicles are platform mates.
  3. How am I going overboard? Not letting your car sit there running for a long time once started has been recommended over and over again by many pros. Turning it off at lights if I'm going to be there for a bit saves gas. Turning it off if I'm stopped somewhere, like waiting to pick someone up, only makes sense. To each his own but I'm doing what I can to save gas and do my very small part to cut down on the pollution that I create.
  4. This is precisely why I didn't get an R/T as every R/T that I saw had the chrome rims. I didn't have time to order the exact one I wanted, so I ended up lucking out finding my Crew. It was the same issue when I had my Caliber. They had the same chrome rim option and I thought they looked good, until I got up close to them and found out that they are just a plastic cover over the wheel. Totally fake chrome and absolutely not worth $500.
  5. I got the rims and tires from Simply Tire in Toronto. They source the OEM rims themselves. I believe they are the Dodge Grand Caravan 16" rims, which happen to be exactly the same for the Journey. The Nordfrost 5 tires are the best winter tires I've ever had and I first started using winter tires in 1995. I paid $833 + HST for everything.
  6. I use orange cleaning wipes to clean the door panels, plastic seat backs, plastic entry sill plates (whatever they are called) that meet the doors, etc. I don't use it anywhere on the upper dash. For the entire dash, I just use a microfibre cloth. Works great at picking up all the dust.
  7. No offense to your wife but it really bugs me that people leave their vehicles idle for extended periods of time. I rarely let my Journey run for more than 15-20 seconds after starting before I take off. I frequently turn it off at lights if it's going to be more than a 30 second wait. Any time I have to stop and wait anywhere, I always turn it off. Better for the environment and better for the pocketbook!
  8. Welcome! I'm curious as to why you went from an Enclave to a Journey? My neighbour has a Traverse, so I know how big of a beast it is. They are a foot longer than the Journey. How would you compare the Journey to the Enclave in terms of comfort, handling and power?
  9. That's right. There is no specific button anywhere to unlock only the rear hatch door.
  10. Haven't had the winter tires on for a few months now. Will have to look through my camera to see if I happen to have a photo of it with the winter tires on. Yes, the rims are OEM.
  11. It is a relief to know that replacement tires won't be an issue.
  12. Playlists shows up when using the SD card but not with my iPhone.
  13. You have the same front end that I do. All early 2011 Journey's have this front end.
  14. All 2011's have the honeybomb grill and blacked out cross-hair center section. Is your front cross-hair center section blacked out or all chrome like the 2009/2010 models?
  15. Sirius Travel Link is not available in Canada. It is a U.S. only service.
  16. I agree. I like the contrast with the white and black interior but I think it would be a bitch to keep clean. My wife's Fusion has a similar interior colour scheme but it's more of a cream colour and it's leather, so it hasn't been a problem to keep clean.
  17. Have you received any of the items that you ordered? Did everything arrive as you expected?
  18. $500? YIKES! How fast were you going over the limit? What all did they nail you for?
  19. When updates are available, you will be able to find them at www.garmin.com/chrysler. No idea when the first update will be available and how much it will cost or how it will get installed.
  20. Hasn't happened to me yet but I wanted to comment about the instrument cluster lights being on. Is it possible those lights just came on at the instant you touched the driver's door handle and you didn't notice? That is what happens in my Journey. Also, if I grab the driver's door handle when the Journey is locked, even without having the key anywhere near the vehicle, the instrument panel lights up for a minute or two but it always turns off. I can see it happening when the key is in the vicinity of the car but don't know why it also happens when the key is nowhere close to the vehicle.
  21. drb227

    MyFord Touch

    Had to take my wife's Fusion in for service today. Had a chance to sit in a 2011 Edge Limited on the showroom floor that had the MyFord Touch system. Here's a couple of quick impressions: - As much as I like the 8.4" Uconnect Touch screen in my 2011 Crew, I think the Ford system has much sharper graphics and text. - I like the 4 corner system they have for Phone, Nav, Climate and Audio. - It is REALLY slow to respond to any button press. My Uconnect Touch's response is lighting fast. - Due to the smaller screen size(which is very noticeable when you are used to the 8.4" monster screen!) and the way the displays are laid out, you don't get as much info on the screen as you do with the Uconnect Touch system. This was very noticeable when listening to Sirius radio. Unless the song title was very short, you only saw the first few words of each song title. The title also didn't scroll. Not sure if it has that ability but it definitely wasn't doing it during the 15 minutes I had to play with everything. I'm still very happy with the 8.4" Uconnect Touch system but there is always room for improvement!
  22. I think you have to start by showing them what your EVIC says and tell them you've been talking to other 2011 Journey owner's and that your gas mileage seems way out of whack with everyone else. They will most likely try to blame it on driving habits. You could then say "fine, let me take another 2011 Journey for a day or two for comparison". They will likely laugh at you if you say that but you have to get it across to them that you are seriously concerned about this issue and want to know if you get the same results with another vehicle of the same trim level. It would be ideal if you could find a place that rents 2011 Journey's and just take one for a day or two to compare. It's a tough spot to be in. It certainly sounds to me like there is an issue with your Journey and I really hope something can be done for you.
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