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Everything posted by drb227

  1. drb227

    Gas mileage

    I will be comparing what the computer says to what I get from Myfuelly on my next fill up. I am self-employed and always write my vehicle's mileage on every fuel receipt for tax purposes, so I was able to go right back to my first fill up.
  2. drb227

    Gas mileage

    I have created an account on fuelly.com to start tracking my gas mileage.
  3. Yeah, I have played around with the Music Info Cleanup setting. Not exactly sure what its purpose is. I posted this link to a video I made about turning this setting on/off in another thread. Here's the link again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBA0spHxOx8
  4. Congrats! Do you have the Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth option? Can you select different songs, artists, albums using the voice command?
  5. drb227

    Gas mileage

    I am really surprised that Windancer and Fleshwound are only getting around 350kms per tank. That is terrible! My 2011 Crew has approx. 3200kms on it and I get almost 500kms per tank, every tank. My driving is only about 25% highway and I am not a light foot but I don't drive like a maniac either. Picked up my Journey on March 1st, so this has all been driving in cold weather so far. I think that if I went really easy on the gas pedal for one tank, I could easily get over 500 kms out of a tank for my normal weekly driving. I wonder why we have such a huge discrepancy in our kms per tank? Could it be the that the Pentastar V6 is that much more fuel efficient than the 3.5?
  6. But are you able to switch artist, album, song using voice command?
  7. Sweet! Congrats! Let's see some pics soon!
  8. Just curious - do you know what the update was that they applied? I am wondering if it is the same update that we've been discussing in this thread:
  9. I just checked the US website and the Lux is there to be built. Nothing appears to have changed on the US website.
  10. I'm thinking this is related to the non-availability of the 8.4" screen. Not only has the R/T model disappeared from dodge.ca but if you try to build a Crew, it just gives an error. Both the Crew and R/T come standard with the 8.4" screen. Also, when you go to build an SXT, the Navigation and Sound Group is no longer there as an option package, meaning you cannot configure the SXT with the optional 8.4" screen. It comes standard with the 4.3" screen.
  11. Welcome! Be sure to introduce yourself in the Welcome Forum! The 2011 Uconnect Touch 4.3 and 8.4 systems do not have hard drives. Not really needed since you can just use any USB key and leave it plugged in or use an SD Card and leave it plugged in, which is what I do. I also connect my iPhone via USB to charge and I can play my music from my iPhone as well.
  12. I have noticed a few more issues in the past few days: - Whenever I answer a call, if I am playing music via SD Card or iPhone connected via USB, the music does not resume once the call has ended. I have to go back to the Player screen and press the Play button. Music should automatically resume once the call has ended. - When playing music on my iPhone connected via USB, it skips the last 4 or 5 seconds of every song and goes to the next song. I'm not sure when this started happening but I have noticed it a few times. It does not do this when using the SD Card. - I get different results with on-screen music info depending on whether or not the option for music cleanup is turned on or off. I made this video to show what I am talking about: Uconnect Touch 8.4 Music Display Problems Does anybody else have any of these problems?
  13. This is great news! First we have an update to the Pentastar to fix rough idling and now this update to fix the EVIC issue. We are making progress! Now just need an update for the rough shifting transmission and fixes to the voice command system and I will be one happy camper! Just to clarify, the update I need to ask for is "Garbled text that may appear on the screen"? Is there any other code or SKU that goes along with that so that I can be sure the dealership can actually find the update?
  14. Understandable given the situation in Japan but that is really crappy for future Journey buyers. In Canada, the 8.4" screen is standard on the Crew and R/T. I would hope Chrysler is planning to lower the price on these two models accordingly if they really cannot get enough 8.4" units. This will also affect the Charger and 300, since they both use this system as well. In fact the 300 only comes with the 8.4" screen. I wonder if they will drop that to the 4.3 as well?? I guess they will have to if they want to keep selling the 2011 300? I have heard about certain paint colours not being available but that affects most manufacturers, not just Chrysler.
  15. drb227

    2011 R/T

    The 3.6 litre Pentastar is also a completely different engine than the 3.5 in the 2009/2010. It is possible that it is more fuel efficient. Time will tell. I'll know how accurate the trip computer is when I take my trip this summer.
  16. drb227

    2011 R/T

    Excellent gas mileage! I have a trip this summer that will be almost 3000kms in total. If I can get 9.4L/100km, that would mean I can get 800+ kms to a tank, which means I would only have to fill up once on the way down.
  17. I can honestly say that even with my gripes about the shifting and the Uconnect voice command not functioning for control of music playback, I am loving the Journey. Very quiet, comfortable and sharp interior. Lots of power from the Pentastar when you need it (just push the pedal FAR or shift manually!) I am sure the issues I have will be fixed with firmware updates over the next few months, so I am willing to live with the issues for now.
  18. Yes, I have the Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth option. It came as part of the Navigation and Sound Group I in my Crew. Honestly, the phone part works extremely well. I can talk at a normal voice level and people can hear me with no problem. Likely partly due to how quiet the Journey interior is. My daughters were with me one day and we called my wife at home. She had no problem hearing them and they were in the second row seats talking at a normal level. The phone functionality is one part of the system that has functioned really well for me.
  19. In Canada, Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth is optional on ALL 2011 Journey models. It is available as a standalone $300 option or also as part of navigation and sound groups on the SXT and Crew models. Even getting the 8.4N radio does not give you Bluetooth unless it is added separately. I have seen a number of R/T models at dealerships that had Nav but not Bluetooth. It is truly mind boggling that something as common as Bluetooth is not standard on all Journey models.
  20. I will always do 5000 km oil changes. The 2011 Journey manual recommends oil changes only every 13000kms or 6 months! No way would I ever go that long.
  21. Good to hear that your issue is solved! I'm going to ask my dealer about any updates available for the engine and transmission when I take mine in for it's first oil change at 5000 Kms. My transmission is pretty hard shifting in some gears, especially when coming to a stop. There is a noticeable thunk when going from 4th to 3rd. I find that it just generally is not smooth shifting at all.
  22. Welcome! As far as I know, the integrated child boosters are not standard on any model. It is a separate $200 option. Most definitely available in Canada.
  23. Yes, it was checked. I unchecked it, waited a minute, then checked it again and waited a few minutes. No go.
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