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Journey Member
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Everything posted by Goldmember

  1. has not set their status

  2. 4 Snow Tires which are now off til November. My wife won't let me Shave the handles, Slam the frame or add 24 inch rims with Spinners or any of that Cool Stuff like my PT Cruiser has. . . . DARN! My PT is still in the garage waiting for the rain to stop around here
  3. Welcome and Enjoy the Journey Our Jouney is FWD and we found that the Kumos were Sliding around in the snow. We bought a set of 16" steel rims and Continental Snows which were fantastic this winter If the snow gets real bad I always have this Bill
  4. I love the 19 inch Chrome rims, if it was up to me and not my wife I would like to some 22 inch rims My wife informed me that I was not to add any flames to the Journey like I have on my PT
  5. London, Ontario, Inferno Red SXT Journey Inca Gold Dream Cruiser ( The show Car ) Emerald Green 95 Plymouth Acclaim 1986 Suzuki Samurai - powered by a small block Chevy engine ( on my wife's hit list ) my PT wit the Acclaim in the background My Sammy Inferno Journey SXT
  6. Welcome to the Forum Roxanne Sounds like we the same packages, Inferno Red, reverse camera, 19 inch Chrome Rims, etc I love driving the Journey, it rides great and has a very smooth transmission ,
  7. I have my PT in a large car show I added an AppleTV with 2 17 HD televisions in the hatch, plus I am sitting in the PT and surfing this forum thanks due a WiFi Hotspot I was disappointed with Chrysler was not interested in showing the Challeger here but a dealer has a Silver Journey SXT on display My friend took this photo of me and the PT this morning. Another fellow and his wife drove 8 hours to be at the show and he was interviewed by a reporter in this photo Trisha's PT
  8. I had a problem with my remote on 2 occasions where it refused to work I opened the car with the manual key which set the alarm off. Chyrsler was looking into the issue and may issue a TSB if they can find the problem. It only happened twice while parked in our driveway. Our driveway has a 25 degree incline on it. One tech thought the Alarm may have thought that car was on a tow truck.
  9. The dealership ordered 12 when they first announed the Journey, my wife and I happened to looking another PT. There wasn't any PT's anywhere to be found. We both are tall and need the headroom and legroom. After trying the Caliper, Compass we loved the Journey and drove it away ( 2 days later )
  10. During the past few days the key less entry failed to unlock, start or lock the car from both remotes. My Journey spent 4 hours on Tuesday at the dealership. The mechanics were not able to find anything wrong, however it still acts up from time to time
  11. Thanks I was enjoying the sunshine today getting the PT ready for a car show tomorrow
  12. anyone scene the Mopar plug in Nav unit yet??? I heard that it plugs into the my gig radio but are waiting to see one
  13. My wife and I have been driving our Journey for the past 3 or 4 weeks and love ours. The mileage
  14. adding video screens from my PT, my PT is having an upgrade to a flip down 17 inch screen. I have a flipdown 7inch screen for the Journey plus 2 5.5 inch screens.
  15. The dealership where I bought mine ordered 12, my SXT was the first one, Yesterday I noticed that they 2 Silver RT's and a Black SXT. Next time I will grab some pics
  16. I love my SXT with 3.5L engine its getting better milage off the lot than my PT Cruiser. I was able to go 650km on 57 liters of Gas, sorry I am not sure how many miles per gallon that is off hand
  17. yes we have been driving our SXT for the past few weeks
  18. its my 2002 DreamCruiser, 7 video Screens, Full air ride, 20 inch rims, 4250 watts of power in the amps, Tons of Powder Coat, Air brushed flames and artwork
  19. Its cold and snowy here in Canada but I love my Journey, this photo was taken 2 weeks ago
  20. Our Keyless entry works intermitantly the past 2 days it would not unlock the doors. I had to use the old fashioned key which set the car alarm off. I took the Journey to the dealership they were looking the problem with Chrysler Engineering department in Sterling Heights, Michigan I will let every know if there is a TSB
  21. According Chrysler Canada we are the first Canadian Journey owners. We love ours SXT I can't believe the Journey has a ton of things that I paid 10's of thousands to add to my Cruiser. Yes I still have my DreamCruiser I will have it on the road tomorrow
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