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Journey Member
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Everything posted by RTDriver

  1. Thanks for the compliments on our R/T. It is the US version and this is our second R/T. We traded in our 2009 R/T because we really did not like the interior of the 2009. This new R/T is really nice inside. The US R/T models do not have leather seating available and I was ready to have the seats reupholstered in leather after the car came in to the dealership. Frankly the cloth seats are very handsome and really give good support. I am happy overall with this new R/T.
  2. Just purchased my 2011 Journey R/T last week and it too rode hard. Checked tire pressures and they were over 45 psi on all positions from the dealership! Set pressures to the recommended 36 psi and now the Journey rides smooth like it should.
  3. RTDriver

    2011 Black R/T

    Black Beauty
  4. New member checking in.

    1. RTDriver


      First time in the forum.

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