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Everything posted by Armendegga

  1. The badges that are on the back are just attached using automotive tape. A blow dryer will definitely help with removing those. As for the one on the grill, I think that might be a part of the grill and not easily removed (if at all). EDIT: I just went out and took a look at the front badge... It is secured to the grill via some type of clip so you should be able to remove it.
  2. From what I discovered, it isn't necessarily dealing with the LED light issue, but the flash update actually enables the plug... Apparently with everything being regulated through the computer, it disables the trailer wiring until the flash update is done telling it to be turned on.
  3. Holy Moly! Talk about bad luck! Sorry to hear about the issues that you had
  4. Wow. That is awesome!!! Thanks so much!!!
  5. Cutting the bumper isn't actually required. Another user has it completely hidden behind the bumper . I chose to cut mine though, which was pretty easy in itself. The instruction booklet gives you the template to use for cutting. And yep, you're right, with the Mopar hitch, you need to take the bumper off
  6. There are a few changes it seems... There is a thread that talks about it a little bit here: These are both fleet links so not sure what the actual consumer Journey will be.
  7. At first glance I thought the parking brake pedal was a clutch pedal and was a thinking how did he get a manual transmission..
  8. It depends on what the bumper to bumper coverage length was... Up in Canada it is only 3 year/60,000 km, so if its anything similar to the US, it might be already over.
  9. I haven't as of yet... I haven't had time to really look at ordering them yet to be honest. I've been doing bits and pieces of adding stuff to the Journey. The last major thing that I added was the hitch receiver.
  10. One thing that I really like is when you shift from D into manual (and vise-versa), cruise stays engaged. Useful for hills.
  11. I believe for the 2010's the brake issue is covered (or almost covered except for $50 or $100 deductible) if I recall. The battery is affecting 2011 owners as well. Some users have reported resolving it by disabling passive entry.
  12. I would guess it will possibly be world-wide considering the Journey is available overseas as well. drb227 is in Canada so it would definitely be in North America.
  13. The Mopar hitch is also rated at 3500/350 fyi
  14. I am not sure if it is the exact same design as on the 2011's, but i haven't noticed this issue as of yet. Does it fall open when you go over bumps that cause it to unlock itself? or it just releases itself from the holder randomly?
  15. Thanks for the post on this... I went ahead and took the plunge and bought and attempted the install tonight. I was pretty concerned with the drilling of the holes and making sure they were drilled right so the deflector wasn't crooked... It was a little awkward to drill since the hood it up, but went pretty good. Just had one issue with drilling where after I drilled through the bottom of the hood there was some kind of metal plate in the way, so I drilled a second hole right beside it, and that worked fine. Pretty easy to do overall. You will need to make sure you have the right size drill bit (6mm or 15/64). I would say the hardest part of the process was just making sure it was centred, which was actually not too bad either.
  16. I would speculate that it is probably affecting 08-11 (not including the late 2011 model bumper change) since they are all utilizing the same bumper.
  17. For mine it wasn't listed as a part of a package that I remember, it was just listed on its own as a $200 option.
  18. I haven't noticed this myself yet, however, I haven't really been in the back seat yet either. Is this in the middle row? Or the 3rd row?
  19. Keep us posted on if they find a better solution... It probably wouldn't be such an issue if the bumper had an actual hole in it for the clip to go through, instead of the clip just trying to hold the bumper on its own.
  20. As far as I knew you splice the turn signal stuff via the lights. You may have to run wiring from the battery to the back to make sure there is power to the plug. That would be my best guess. Mine had the trailer tow prep, so I had the harness sitting in the cargo area when I bought mine. Sorry I can't be of more assistance.
  21. I used a long screw driver and sort of pried at it... That was the best i could manage. Putting the centre ones back on I found to be harder than taking them off unfortunately. I never thought of using WD40 though... That should make it easier!
  22. Just wanted to post back that I have I fixed it... (for now)... The problem that I noticed is that the clip itself seemed too lose to adequately hold the bumper without allowing it to move... I added a couple washers to make it a more snug fit, and now it doesn't move. Kind of a mickey mouse solution, but it works.
  23. Yes you can install an aftermarket camera and have it show on the touchscreen. Check out some of threads on the lockpick in the infotainment section.
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