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Everything posted by suniedaze

  1. I had the same issue with my phone I think... if you click the phone button on the touch screen does it actually go the the phone menu? If not, then its probably the same problem as mine which was a module needed to be changed. It sounds stupid, but it actually has something to do with the brake pedal.
  2. Apparently it was the computer. I originally used the new sd card on my mac. When I used it on the pc (like i used the smaller card) it worked perfect! Unfortunately, most of my music is on my mac :-(
  3. I just got an 8 gb sd card, and i keep getting errors!! Some songs will only work if i access it through the albums, others aren't showing up at all!! :angry: I'm also getting this weird folder that doesn't show up when i put it into my computer. it says ".Trash". I was using a 512 mb that I had laying around and it worked beautifully. Any one else having these problems or have a solution?
  4. http://www.siriusxm.com/siriustraffic It does not say that the 2011 journey is supported, only 2008-2010. I found the out the hard way when trying to use traffic and realizing it didn't work. I intend on calling Chrysler and complaining, because it says we're supposed to get a year of this free!!
  5. It sounds like it was a physical break... I'm seriously hoping it doesn't happen again. It's not like I can avoid using the brake...
  6. i just got it resolved today. It took 3 trips to the dealer, which for me is a 20 minute drive. There's something with pressing the brake pedal caused a module to break. The part was backordered because apparently its become a problem a lot of people are having. but it finally works!!!!
  7. That's the problem... i can't delete it because i can't access the phone menu in the car. i hit the button and it beeps and lights up, but it won't go to the phone menu.
  8. I'm having a similar problem with my journey crew. I'm just curious if your also having a problem with the phone button on your radio, because I can't access my phone menu in addition to having the problem you are.
  9. I purchased my 2011 Journey Crew with the 8.4N radio 3 weeks ago. I was having absolutely no problems until this weekend. Out of no where the bluetooth stopped working. I started the car and noticed my iphone wasn't connected. I tried to hit the button on the radio, but nothing happened. The phone button on the steering wheel as well as the voice command button didn't do anything either. I even went into the radio settings to hit the phone/bluetooth button... and nothing. The buttons always "beep" and they light up like it knows i'm hitting it, but it doesn't go to the bluetooth menu. I called the dealer and they said to bring it in... but i'm not going to be able to get up there for another week or two. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  10. Did you happen to notice if you can access the playlists from your iphone when connected? I can browse by artist, song, album, and even genre... but i can't access my playlists!! I've tried both my older itouch and my brand new iphone 4
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