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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. your first post was in such large print I couldn't read the whole post
  2. could be the fuse in the fuse box under the dash on the passenger side or the button not making the right connection
  3. this has been discussed here quite frequently, 99 % your problem for the lights and wiper are due to breaking wires or shorted wires Thur the upper left rubber grommet located in the lift gate, check the forum or you can also Google on you tube to see this problem
  4. 2late4u


    have your journey scanned for codes to see what is happening, also you can re-calibrate your compass the direction are in your book that might help good luck and please report back on what you find out to be your problem
  5. first which engine? 3.6 easy to change, 2.4 a little more complicated as their are 2 thermostats from what I read, also make sure you use the proper coolant as well,,check your manual that came with the journey.might want to try a flush on the heater core while you are in the process.good luck and please report back on what ever that fixes your problem...also show her how to look in the info area under the eng info to see how high the temperature of the engine is getting up to should be around 199 - 205 depending on outside temp and how the vehicle is being driven
  6. you can also scan yourself using the on/off button 3 times for simple codes but that probally wont work for this problem check out you tube for that video on how to do it
  7. You need to have the vehicle scanned with a good scanner usually the ones the part stores has will not scan for the abs codes, with the abs /traction control lights on the cruise control will not work, I don't have AWD but I did have the traction control light and the ABS light and the brake light come on and had it scanned and the code came up 2201-c which ended up being an internal failure of the ABS electrical unit which had to be replaced however mine did NOT put my vehicle into limp mode, Google your problem or strat checking out you tube with your symptoms to see what comes up but as I said you need to have it scanned with a quality scanners that has the capability of the ABS and other service options ,,good luck and report back on what you find to be your problem/solution..and WELCOME to the group😃
  8. thanks for reporting back for others to be able to learn from,keep us informed and good luck
  9. just one of short video on replacement ways on dodge journeys
  10. the dodge journey from what i have read is a dual zone heater core one for the drivers side and one for the passenger side which would be the reason one side hot and the other side cold,,,,,,,if the flushing doesn't improve it enough check out the short cut heater core replacement videos easy to get to compared to going by the book and tearing out half the dash just to get to it,something to consider good luck on what ever you end up doing and please report back on whatever you find out to help others here
  11. first you need to verified that the passenger side blend door is actually working east to do with a flashlight and have someone work the controls or do it yourself there are many videos on how to do this procedure on your ube and also in the forum we have here, same for the shortcut heater core replacement visio or you can try the flush which most of the times it doesn't work but that up to you,good luck
  12. this variation of this unit is used on a lot of different makes of vehicles,, manufactures just use what is available when designing cars now days its a shame but it is what it is,,,I had mine replaced at the local dealership about 6 months ago around 155 k I think I have 168 k on it now , I change my own oil so I was keeping a close check on it and happened to see the oil along side of the oil cooler body when using a strong led light looking straight down the side of it,so I took it in and they said yep well change it out for you,, glad I had bought the Mopar unlimited warranty,, sure has paid for itself
  13. yes replace any worn bushing, and yes they could do an alinement esp if they don't care as when doing alinement the veh isn't going down the road at highway speeds I have 168 k on my 2014 and it is solid going down the road
  14. first off you probably have broken or shorted wires in the wiring harness at the upper rear left hatchback inside the rubber boot,,,check that and that will probably fix most if not all your problems,,plus how old is your battery have it load checked and also have them check the alt to see if it is putting out the correct voltage back to the battery also corrosion under the fuse block under the hood could be a big problem as well
  15. I had my oil /coolant replaced around 140 k and my thermostat at around 110 k if I remember correctly,,,IT would be a great time as well for you to change out your thermostat while doing this repair and just get it over with since it is a cheap part as well
  16. it can be added with OEM and also aftermarket kits I would it will assume each one might have certain requirements on weather it needs a sales code... this has been discussed in the forum section take your time to read Thur it for a lot of good info as well
  17. good luck on your repair, not very many reviews on this unit,,,was checking OEM was around $172. yes I know they don't last forever but usually better quality than amazon parts.and your org part lasted 7 yrs so ..just a thought
  18. only a half of gallon? I would take it to the spray car wash and spray the hell out of the area with soap cleaner then rinse it off and then take it for a good long drive to get it dry and then keep a close eye on any new wet spots,that will be your only way to find the leak, have to get it under a hot pressure condition to find your leak,,,good luck
  19. all journeys as far as I have seen have the passenger front seat bin and also they all have the rear floor storage bins as well,,, actually haven't seen any Integrated Boosters on the second row seats but they were an option ,,,I had a 2011 main street,and now a 2014 crossroad,
  20. I believe they were referring the 40 degree temp difference to the engine warming up from cold to hot,,,,not their temperature outside,,but yes heater core time either flush or replace,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anyways replacing the thermostat will be a waste of time as drivers side is getting hot heat,so not a thermostat problem
  21. if you are getting hot air on either side and cold on the other its either the blend doors OR the heater core as it has 2 different zones inside it,,good luck
  22. water pump weep hole is one slow place,and the coolant jug and hoses for another, have you replaced the thermostat since having your problem? it is so easy to do and fairly cheap as well just replace with the right coolant,not so cheap but important,,,on your leak you need to see which side of the eng it is dripping from, if the oil cooler is leaking it will probably be dripping from the drivers side towards back side of the eng,,, also if the water pump it would be the passenger side of the eng,,,also SO easy to see if the oil cooler is leaking water or oil just remove the cover off the top of the engine and use a strong led light and look straight down alongside of your oil filter housing it should be clean and dry at the bottom of you see anything you might have a leak there
  23. I guess she needs to take a vacation down south here and at that time find a place that can do all that for 1/3 rd the price, of course you get what you pay for so that is up to the opp to decide on what they want donelike I posted a before I wouldn't have no qualms on doing the cut and splice the heater core that would save me almost 2500 most expensive heater core on Amazon For Dodge Journey Heater Core 2009-2017 | Front | Aluminum | 5191347AC $72.86 of course local part stores would probably be a bit higher and less than $200 for the thermostat and coolant plus what ever the local shade tree mechanic that they might trust...HAVE to add if your estimate has stated on it that they just came back from Spain then they might have padded the bill a bit thinking they have some extra $$$$ to spend😆 as mentioned check out YouTube for more info on the cut and splice method and decide for yourself on what you want done good luck
  24. I would suggest a different dealership more garage, but IF THE JOURNEY IS RUNNING FINE ACCORDING TO THE TEMP GAGE AND ALSO AROUND 199-210 TEMP IN THE INFO CENTER THEN THE PROBLEM IS YOUR HEATER CORE IS PLUGGED UP check out you tube for the short cut way to replace the heater core,,,,to replace the thermostat which cost around $20-50 depending on where you get it and then the proper coolant another $ 40-50 and then labor to clean and flush the system should be less than $200-250 total for all so yes they are way over charging you welcome back to the group
  25. since it is not connected at both ends would lead me to say it was an after market device that was long ago taken out,maybe the dealership had put a tracking device on it and then removed it after the loan was paid off, no way for any of us to know for certain.anyways welcome to the group...
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