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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. welcome to the group, take time to cruise thur the different sections on the forum and you tube will be a HUGE help on doing the things you want to do that you mentioned, especially the struts the rear can be a huge repair or take the short cut way....LOL what ever you decide, for brakes go on amazon and buy akebono pads .......https://akebonobrakes.mypartfinder.com/
  2. i use discount tire for yrs ,i just seen where they bought out tire rack or at least that is what they are saying, i use to order on line when they didnt have a store in our state and that way i didnt have to pay sales tax and also you need to wait for a holiday as they always run great sales during the holidays and then id take them to our local Walmart to have them mounted and if you buy their tire warranties they are great to work with and they replace them with no argument, my grandsons is really rough on his tires with chuck holes and they have replaced 3 different tires ( MICHELIN )for free and all you do is pay for the new tires warranty which is around 20-30 depending on how expensive the tire is
  3. dont go to a dealership for this as it will be EXPENSIVE a small shop or a good friend should be able to do this easy peasy
  4. if its the turn signal or backup bulb ...it is real easy to replace it yourself with just a couple of flat screw driver, also some auto part stores might change it out for you when you buy the bulbs from them about a 10-20 minute job..here is a site that shows on how to to do it,,,or check out you tube as well.........https://www.paulstravelpictures.com/Dodge-Journey-Tail-Light-Bulbs-Replacement-Guide/index.html
  5. correct if they have led, which I have for the brake bulbs ,,the turn and back up bulbs can be replaced with regular bulbs or replace with led bulbs as I did,,.but mine has a sticker on the unit saying it has to be serviced by a dealership.... that said just remove your unit and see if it has that sticker if so you might want to see how much Thur the parts department it would be or call your local junk yard for a used replacement or check on amazon/rock auto parts
  6. that was my best Forrest Gump,imitation LOL
  7. and yet it still isn't fixed another lost day of work and throwing more parts at it, just saying sometimes the ceap ends up costing more in the long run . not trying to argue hope everything turns out great for you,take care
  8. Sure it would be more expensive but in the long run I believe I would take it to a dodge dealership as they have more knowledge on these vehicles small shops are just guessing most of the time.good luck
  9. 78 here today in alabamaaaaaaaa
  10. evidently not good as he never responded back, looked like a spammer
  11. act 1589 front amazon price $72.89...............act 5916 rear $61.49
  12. https://akebonobrakes.mypartfinder.com/............is the OEM supplier for dodge and the only pads I will use I order them off amazon for the best price....also replace your rotors as well
  13. It's great you have a friend that helps you out on the labor cost....
  14. 3.6 eng and 156 k on my 2014 as of now I had the plugs changed at the dealership at 100k and I had the service guy show me the old plugs and they still looked great condition
  15. well you didn't use oem and there are a lot of junk aftermarket parts being sold these days, but they shouldn't be your problem , from what you have wrote it would be something you did during the reassembly since you didn't infer a problem before doing this work
  16. as 5rebel9 posted above IF it hasn't been to long from the acc/repair get the body shop to check it out but as been said probally a wire at the door jamb is mostly the culprit or the door handle
  17. question ,,,,is it each window doing it with their door button? or are you saying it is happening from the drivers door control buttons? there has been a wiring problem that is in the lower drivers door jamb that the wires are breaking / or shorting out
  18. just keep a close on it and keep it filled till you fix it. might last you a long time
  19. should have just used a small black screw, it hides better that was the same spot I put mine as well,,,,LOL
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