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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. a quick google brought this up, it doesn't say anything about recalls but you could google it more intense then i did......Salvage title: If your car was in a severe accident and was given a salvage title or declared a total loss, your entire warranty is voided. Unknowingly buying a salvaged car isn't an issue with certified pre-owned vehicles, but keep this in mind if you are looking to purchase a late-model used car from a private party or independent used car lot. If you are unsure about a car's past, we suggest getting a vehicle history report.
  2. why not ask the dealer to show you if it has drl or not????????????
  3. put 70 k on my 2011 like it a lot traded in on a 2014 crossroad i also had the oil sender problem at about 45 k but my extended warranty took care of that and replaced tires at about 35 k could have gotton more but it was coming to wintertime and a big trip, just replaced the battery but that was because my daughter needed a battery so i got a new one and see got my old one...win win have about 58 k on it now and still loving it.....
  4. how close to the car were you, when washing my car you can squirt the door handles and if your close enough with the keys in your pockect the lights will come on i seen mine do it several times even shooting the hatch with water can make it do it.plus your battery is 4-5 yrs old if its org
  5. regular lights leave in gear, waiting on a train i put in park and shut it off( i live in a small town,can be a long wait) thinking putting in neutral while waiting on all lights would put more wear and tear on trans then just leaving it in drive...
  6. probably or someone putting it in the power sterring, 2015 should have warranty take it in
  7. one thing i learned at a young age when i lived in Michigan every year put in plugs, points, and condenser and check the plug wires change them every two yrs and also check the battery with a load test every year.Well things have improved over the yrs and things last a lot longer now days BUT i still replace my battery every 3 yrs at least, as i dont want to have to do it in bad weather as always is the way it happens so i dont get stranded.... as the old commercial says you can pay me now or pay me later but you are going to pay.....
  8. after reading some of these post i am glad i bought the lifetime max warranty...
  9. havent had any problems with mine and havent really read anything on here about bulbs going bad check your wiring the best you can maybe a stripped wire maybe a water leak good luck
  10. no way to tell what is the problem from here you need to get it to a dealership for an explanation on what might be the problem
  11. full coverage and a match on a deserted road, well maybe not hope you get it fix soon.....
  12. it is a mixture of ethanol and gasoline, so just use regular gas and you will be fine....
  13. well mileage has been discuses here quite a lot check the forums for more info. the the us we use mpg and you should get at least s 22-23 mpg avg on a highway trip how that transfer ti metric not quite sure good luck.....
  14. my daughter has a 2007 caravan kept having a problem with coil packs going bad finally the mech found inside a connector was melted a bit and would burn out the coil pack replaced the connector and solved the problem,,, also ys ago had about the same problem with the electric rad fan not clicking on ended up being the connector also
  15. please report back on what you find out and the cost of having them fixed......
  16. that is what i thought also ,,seems like i read that in the manual
  17. welcome to the group...
  18. yea if you do all stop and go city driving and maybe a little get up and go with them the mpg is kind of bad 16-17, but get into that 6 gear and do a little cruising and it really helps
  19. had a new windshield installed today as the last one had been fixed 2-3 times for small chips and when we got caught in the hail storm we had a lot of small pecks that didnt break the glass but kind of pitted it and you only saw them when going into the sun or after cleaning it, they would sparkle, getting ready to switch insurance company so thought id better get it fixed.....also i asked them what that little box was behind the rear view mirror was and they said it was a humidity sencer,so all these people with moist air in the cabin, this might be their problem. also while checking insurance companies some of them asked if i had taken a safe drivers course so i checked it out and aarpdriversafety.org offers a course with discounts if you belong to aarp and also found an extra discount using the code bhm ended up costing me $13. 50 and did it,and the wife did it also so we should save us on the avg of about $50. yr discount any one over 50 should check it out.......
  20. you should have bought a curt hitch like i did about $130 if i remember right bolted up no problem fit like a glove didnt have to remove fascia and metal bumper as you are going to have to do. about 2-3 inches between fascia and top of the hitch plenty of room. If i was you id go to amazon buy the curt hitch and then try to resell your other oem hitch on Craigs list for what ever you can get out of it... just my 2 cents worth. good luck on what ever you decide to do.......
  21. simple go back to the dealership and ask for info they should be able to help you,since its a factory hitch
  22. yes my 19 inch came on my journey and i have a spare the same size 225 55 19
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