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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. buy them off ebay thats what i did they all come from china mostly any way...
  2. the dealership i take mine to said they dont do a flush only the dropping the pan, new filter. i've have never had a flush done heard pros and cons on it. whatever the dealer does is fine by me. check out a different dealership as they all charge different prices on parts and labor.$ 299. is awful high and actually 60 k is supposed to be for vehicles that are doing a lot of towing or severe use you could wait until 120 k if you want to according to the manual.
  3. well took the journey in for the transmission service have about 53k on it i figured if i change the eng oil every 6-7k might as well do the trans early so they told me about $ 179. U.S. so when they got thur i reminded them i was a chrysler retiree and got it done for $129. also i bought me some extra oil filters they were $7.43 each listed for $11.00 but he said they sell them at cost to get buyers to come back to the dealership... i had checked on ebay and other places they were at least this much or higher and some charged extra for shipping, i did see some off brands at rock auto a bit cheaper but why get them when you can get mopar for just a bit more...so i am good i guess till i hit 100k for the plug change.......well might have to throw on set of tires before then.
  4. if your original is manual seats i doubt that the connectors for electric seats will be there, now it can be wired for the electric seats. dodge dealer should be able to tell you what connectors you should need but i doubt you will be able to get them from the dealer,you will probably be able to get them from the scrap yard that you are buying the seats from then have run a power line from the fuse block to the seats. good luck
  5. my 2011 journey had about 70k and no real problems traded for my 2014 crossroad and i bought the max lifetime miles and yrs (if i had bought it on my 2011 would have kept it) about 53 k on this one and had to use the extended warranty at about 45k for the oil sensor going bad while on vacation only cost me 100. for the deductible and just put on new tires ( 19 inch) at about 47k, love it and plan on driving the wheels off it hench the warranty.....
  6. yes they are for the tow trucks to use special bolts to pull the journey onto the flatbed at least that's what i was told.
  7. welcome to the group, just some info that we do not have the diesel engines here in the U.S. but glad your here
  8. changing to a longer or shorter belt is not the answer, the answer is to find out what has changed to make it rub as it didnt rub before till you had problems with it. the answer i dont know but you need to find out what is making it rub something is out of alignment. i dont know how you replaced the pulley on the tensioner as it usually comes all in one piece.
  9. a quick call to your dealer would answer your question if it is a covered part.
  10. id disconnect the battery and and retry starting it but i think you have a bad battery the way it is acting....
  11. freeze plugs usually just rust out due to age and fatigue. wow what an expense but first clues was having to add antifreeze so many times and amount, i doubt the rad ruptured due to the freeze plugs. and i dont see the plugs going bad due to the rad. some how there was fluid leaking somewhere that you all missed. good luck on the answer. keep us informed.
  12. same exact complaint with exact same words from the srt forum posted 11/30/2006 , read their answers
  13. call your dealership for the answer and cost of it.
  14. just wondering why when i plug in 2014 journey crossroad but it said this was not compatable with it.....also the one comment about it he said it wasnt as bright as he thought it would be, have you tried it yet?
  15. well you said it looked great, did they test it to see if it is working,i am sure they could test it with a meter to see if it is good or bad, i would assume that it is shorted out or has went bad, go to ebay and buy a replacement heat pad since you know how to remove it.. good luck
  16. shot in the dark but go to the dealer and ask them the name and price. whew, than you have a baseline on what to expect for online prices if you can find one.... good luck
  17. did you replicate it by trying it again just to see if it would happen again? might have been a fluke occurrence. maybe he hit the lock button 3 times i believe that will lock the car with a key in it.also need more info like what yr ,mileage on it.....
  18. i was talking about the start stop feature that alot of the new cars are coming with.it is when you come to a stop light and the car will automatical shut off and then when you press the gas pedal it will start up again this is to save gas to improve your mpg....i dont think i would like that feature as you know you will probaley have starter problems alot sooner than normal,
  19. so i am thinking of putting in a new battery and there are 2 size groups for our journeys group size 86 which is 590cca and 737 cranking amps or group size 25 which has 525 cca and 655 cranking amps both are almost the same size. i am figuring well go with the biggest numbers which is the group 86 battery. $109.57 plus tax at Sams warehouse stores. also while i was reaching this has anyone used a battery power unit to save your settings? never have used one and didnt have no problem when i did my 2011 journey. also i see they say in the future if you have the start stop feature on your car you will have to take it to the dealer to replace your battery as it will have to be flashed or something done to it so the car will accept the new battery......
  20. had a 2011 mainstreet had 70k on it when i traded it in. had the dealer work on the brakes at 11k they turned the rotors and then they redid them at 28k last time for a goodwill gesture had just a check engine light come on at 70k something with the trans. they reset it and said nothing wrong just a glitch with the trans. would have kept it but seen a 2014 crossroad that caught my eye and they were real generous with the trade in value i ended up trading in. have 51k on it right now plan on driving the wheels off this one so i bought the mopar max lifetime miles and yrs extended on this one. glad i did as at about 42k they oil sensor went bad while on a trip so took it to a dealership where i was and they gave me a free rental car and 5 hrs later called and said everything was fixed ,cost me $107. ded and i was on my way...
  21. i've had two journeys a 2011 and now a 2014 crossroad and both had acted a little strange when i traveled from alabama to las vegas which is a much drier climate and higher elevation and first time the locks and remotes acted up and the air conditioning would only come out the floor vents but then straightened out before i got back home and the last time my compass lost its sense of which way was east or west ,had to get my book out and found there is a way to reset it... oh well strange things happen when you put so many electronics and computers chips in these new fangled cars.also my key fobs are hard on the batteries so i would do like fred said and replace, them less than about $6. here in the U.S. good luck and keep us posted with updates great to see and hear from members so far away.....
  22. sounds like a great dealership, congrats...
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