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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. .call your dodge dealership for the correct answer without the guessing, compare their price to the aftermarket as well have your vin # when you call them
  2. start watching some you tube videos on blend doors
  3. i would say yes a blend door if you hear it running but no air coming out
  4. i would say yes replace the caliper,and also do your front pads at the same time as since you will be having to bleed the lines as well
  5. if you have the oem oil plug you wont need a crush washer, oil fluid should be listed in your manual and also under the hood, i have the 3.6 so not sure on the filter # i use syn,5 w 20 in my 2014
  6. https://youtu.be/VabsoNG8m3E LOL old age is getting to me
  7. I know not a journey but the basic are there,, was posting just to show this guys talent working one handed most of the time, i watch his videos as no bull crap and just straight forward camera work, as he shows the tools and how to undo connectors as well
  8. what engine do you have and miles on the clock? i agree with Armando as you will probally have to have it checked by a qualified mechanic , throwing parts at a vehicle gets expensive
  9. should have let them replace it since they knew which wheel senor was bad, the cost of senors are not expensive depends on which brand but from 25- 100 for it not to hard to replace, google it on you tube if you want to do it yourself
  10. if you are not getting any air blowing out then probally the blower or the blower motor resister or a fuse , hard to tell over the internet, do you have dual air or just the one system?
  11. sure would be interested to find out what they wrote on the work order and saying what they had to do to fix this and also was this covered under warranty or how much did they charge you, info for others that might come up with this problem
  12. please report back on what they find out for others that might have the same problem. good luck
  13. i would replace your battery as it is at least 3 yrs old and even tho it test good, journeys like a strong battery, my last battery wouldn't start the journey and I called a tow truck as the neighbors jump start unit wouldn't start it either, so the tow truck guy got here and checked it out and said well before i load it let me try my jump pack which he had a professional unit and the journey cranked right up and i took it down the street to a local garage and they checked the battery and said well it testing low but still good,,i said hell no put in a new one....as well my lights and other things in the journey worked as well before getting the jump......
  14. well at my dealership there is a 129 charge for diagnostics charge that goes towards the repair if they do the job, sounds like there is more of a problem than just the computer that was mentioned,yes dodge dealerships are a higher cost but also they usually are more qualified on what repairs they do than your local garages, sorry you are gong thur this mess but my advise is to pick ! mechanic and only 1,,,to fix it otherwise you are just throwing parts at a vech. that might not be needed
  15. after reading this posting ,, i decided to use some DuPont dry film silicone spray that i bought off amazon, as i had read somewhere that a person used something like this to spray the bushings under the front end to help with squeaks and they said it helped, at first i did the upper strut collar with wd 40 and regular silicone lube and just sprayed the hell out of both sides and took it for a drive and the squeak was still there so came back and turned the wheels all the way to the left and then used the DuPont dry film spray on the sway bar bushings and also i believe it is the lower control arm that connects to the body of the car or frame, and then also sprayed the strut arm stabilizers bushings as well , did both sides and then the wife and i took off to her Dr office about 30 miles away in a bigger city so did a lot of twisting and turning going thur that town and never did hear the squeak again i believe it was the control are bushings was the ones making the noise, dont know how to post a picture but it is the bushing i sprayed, was around the size of a hockey puck that was bolted up to the frame, flat side up,,, will re post the results on how long it last squeak free this DuPont dry film lube is supposed to last a long time according to their literature i had bought it 4-5 months ago and forgot to try using it with everything that has been going on with the wife's health problems
  16. some say they think have found the reason for the squeak when going over bumps or pot holes, but no real solution, some say the strut bearing collar at the top is the culprit as well which makes sense it only happens when going over a small bump or whatever,,,, and yes every once in a blue moon i have gotton the clunk from the trans shifting as well but has been a very long time since i have heard it and have 110 k on my 2014
  17. just get used to it,just about every one has the same noise,mine included
  18. can he disconnect at the top side remote location or does it have to be from the battery itself?
  19. never had any problems with my 2011 mainstreet with the alignment I traded it in at 70 k on my 2014 crossroad and have 110 k on it now but i have had more trouble with keeping this journey in alignment,about 2 yrs ago i had the upper rear trailing link/control arm replaced with adjustable ones as the OEM were non adjustable and as a precaution i bought a lifetime alignment contract from Quick Lane ( owned by ford dealerships), any ways every time i rotate the tires every 5k i have the alignment checked as well since its free and most of the time it is out of alignment either front or rear, or both, i understand if it just a little bit out they say it needs to be corrected and most drivers wouldn't even know it is out enough till it ruins a tire which is what happened to my rear tires with the upper rear trailing link/control arm, i dive like an old man (which of course i am), most of all my driving is on good quality roads( mostly all blacktop, hardly no concrete roads)and i always swerve if i see potholes. i swear someone can look at my crossroad crosseyed and it would get out of whack...LOL front end checks out great according to the mechanic nothing out of the ordinary he says
  20. not sure on the 2009 but yes there is a fuse box under the glove box covered by carpet or another cover up high real hard to see and get to.
  21. 2late4u

    new ram pickup

    actually not me getting a new pick up but my son in, he law bought a 2021 ram 2500 Tradesman automatic 4 wheel drive with the turbo diesel, it listed 58 k but my employee price for him was 48 k and they gave him 42 k for his 2 yr old Chevy pick up that he bought new for 43 k, so sounds like he got a great deal, the only thing is DAM trucks and cars are getting so expensive it is hard to see how people are paying for them,,, LOL the most expensive vehicle i have ever bought was 22 k
  22. iv always replaced the whole tensioner when putting on a new belt,as sometimes they lose their strength, yes more expensive but never had a problem by doing this also this was advice handed down by my father, did the new belt get wet with antifreeze somehow? would assume either a misalignment of the belt to pulleys or loss of tension is the cause for your noise,,,good luck
  23. just re posting this issue with the site,come on who ever started the site ,update and add when a person post a question to have standard the normal question like yrs,engine size, to help avoid the 20 question problem
  24. sounds like you know what you are doing ,what was the cost of the kit from dodge to do this repair???,,,glad you figured it out and reported back on your success
  25. it is the blend door under the glove box it not working that is why you dont feel air coming out there do a you tube search for videos on it
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