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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. I live in Al so we don't have the salt and other stuff they use for snow and ice removal on the roads, BUT I have been seeing a lot of videos on youtube lately and so many of them have been on bad ground connections, wires with the corrosion under the protective coatings and broken wires as well and connectors that are broken or gone bad inside of the connectors,also dodges are bad for corrosion under the tpim as well,,,,, I really hope the battery cables after a good cleaning was your problem
  2. nope, blend door problem, I hope when he gets it fixed he will report back on where and which blend door it is for others to use such info
  3. before doing anything else, I would have the battery load checked at your local part store just to make sure it is still okay and also have them recheck the alt as well,start with the easy stuff first. I would also check the battery connections but that would mean you would have to go Thur the wheel well but a loose connection or dirty connection can cause a lot of problems...good luck and PLEASE report back on whatever you find to be your problem for others to use
  4. drain is on the left side under the steering wheel ,if you have water on the passenger side probally have a leak in the firewall seams or door sill leaks,if you have a sunroof that might also be a possible cause
  5. So many different kind of electrical draws can be possible that trying to find out on a blog will almost be Impossible, there are so many components in today's vehicles that unless you are really good with different meters and know where to look or test,,, South main auto on you tube is a great place for info and lately he has been posting about finding electrical problems with different cars,,,makes my head hurt just thinking about how he can do everything that he does..ALL this said you probably need to find a good electrical mechanic shop to chase the problem down. Good luck and please report back on what you find for others that will be looking for their odd ball problem with their Journey
  6. they never responded back on what they found...BLOGS only work if you also report back on what you find to be the solution to their problem for others
  7. first I would have the battery load checked at your local auto parts store and as well have them check the alt as well, Just wondering what's the age on a decently new battery,,, journeys love a STRONG battery and clean connections,,,, Did you remove the battery cables and clean them real good with a wire battery post cleaner tool? I know its a pain in the ass to get to the battery, but I would do that before throwing parts at your journey also check the grounds at the engine and other spots to be clean and tight
  8. Seen this so I tried it as well and the setting does stay turned on ( rec) was going to report back on it last nite but forgot to post...LOL oh well like I said I don't use the max button on the screen ever and hardly ever use the rec button as well but good to know,, unless I forget it
  9. you mention that after a few minutes it's still warm,,I live in Alabama and it is around 85-90 degrees or higher most of the time and I have no problems with the journeys ac while it is in normal mode, either you like it freezing all the time or you might want to have the A C refrigerant checked to see if you have a problem with your system
  10. I am the same way on the rc button I hardly ever use it as well
  11. I have been keeping an eye on this issue over the last month as I hardly ever use the rec switch, I have noticed most of the time it does switch to the off position after the journey has been shut off for a while and also it stays on as well, So I have no idea why it is doing that
  12. since he only posted 3 times and never came back ,I doubt you will hear back from him please report back on what you find out to be the solution
  13. rockauto shows both the same part number...............numbers Google is your friend DENSO 2344547 $30.79 Each
  14. make sure of the connectors as well,, there can be problem with the connection inside the plastic housings
  15. So which engine??? Also how many miles on it, might need to do a coolant replacement along with a thermostat replacement...... if 3.6 mine runs from 200 to 215 depending on the heat and how fast I am driving or stuck in traffic,,,,had to replace my thermostat on on 2014 a yr or two ago so you might want to do that just as a preventive maintenance........JUST make sure you are using the correct coolant as well
  16. so did you replace the battery a second time since the dealership said it was bad? since the alt was replaced with an OEM alt I assume? is the battery is still reading good of bad?you might have a parasite draw draining the battery,, is it sputtering when you drive it? you don't mention the miles on the speedo
  17. well he could just use a local garage to change out the battery , which would be cheaper than you driving there and back unless you just want to visit him? just a thought just a little bit ago my grandson showed up doe his oil change that I always do for him,( he has a bit of adhd ) and also I don't rust quick oil change places anyways he mentions a noise on his front brakes ,so to make a long story short we also did a brake Pad and rotor job,,,gotta love them kids.....
  18. I assume you have the 2.4 eng, when you changed the plugs I hope you used the OEM ( NGK V-Power Spark Plug ZFR5F-11) as they are the best and cheapest for the 2.4,you have ground straps that could be going bad or not making correct connections this info you can find on YouTube for the location on them, misfires can also be caused by the coils going bad which cly did it show for the misfire and switch out to a different plug to see if the code moves to that plug,,also check the connectors on the coils and the wires that connect to them to make sure they are clean and no shorts or bares spots,also be a great time to rub it by auto zone or another part stores to have the battery checked and also the alt to see if it is working correctly as well
  19. Just so you know that doing the ignition code check by cycling it 3 times IS not the same as using a real code scanner, good luck and hope you find a loose connector for the easy fix.
  20. So if you have the ext warranty and it will cover the 02 sensors,, wont it cover the cat as well?
  21. shouldn't make a difference checking the alt and battery from the eng post connections,, I once had a part store saying my starter was showing slow starting due to something ( I forget what he called them) but not to replace it till goes bad, that it might go out the next day or yrs down the line,which it did go bad about 5 yrs later, well since you scoped the connections on the battery to see if they were tight, I would def take the time to actually check them with a wrench or hand to be sure, yes a bit of trouble but a lot less than changing out a starter or trying to check the blower motor , but you do what you want to do.sounds like a loose connections or bad ground to me.....blower resistor could be going bad or have a dead spot in it , don't know if the journeys have a separate one or if its built into the blower motor itself
  22. BUT have you had them recheck it again now that you are having a problem,a lot of aftermarket parts have turned to crap in the last few yrs,also are you sure the battery cables were installed clean and tight?we just had someone on here post about that and then they replied well the neg cable was found to be loose, check the cheap things before throwing more parts.
  23. so which engine do you have? and you really want an answer to why something was engineered the way it was.....
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