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Everything posted by 2late4u

  1. just replaced my battery this morning as well, had a 3 yr full replacement and it went bad 3 yr 2 months. i went with interstate battery this time,,,,just wouldnt even turn over i just posted all of what is was doing...
  2. 2014 crossroad went out to start the car today nope wouldn't crank, tried using the end of fob ,nope just one small click sound , when locking doors with the fob they lock okay no horn beep, neighbor brought over his battery charger he put on jump start nothing but yet when he put it on the charger style it showed almost full charge.,called for a tow to take it to the dealership and i asked him to try to jump start it he gets out his jump box and the car started up, so i ran it down to the local garage and they checked with with a load test and it was reading good but at just above bad level, i ask what he would charge for a battery 114 plus tax and 20 for the install,he said well give it a few days and maybe it will be okay so i said put that interstate battery in. the other battery had a 3 yr full warranty and it was 3 yrs and 2 months old... for 20 bucks i dint want to fool with installing the new one..oh well have to spend that stimulus money on something i guess. the click i was hearing was just a faint sound not a real distinct click like the old time solenoid did.
  3. you should be able to call them and ask which one you would need also have you vin # and or all info on what model and level trim that you have and which eng and drive train as well also why not call your local dealership parts dept,ours are still open as they are considered essential workers
  4. i have heard to replace the wiring harness it is expensive or the part and labor,also the rubber boot to be replaced you would have to disconnect everything and run them thru the boot as it is a solid rubber boot, if you have every working i would do your best to make a split rubber boot to go around the wires and seal it with silicone at the holes,,,,check mopar discount parts thru google to find OEM parts and numbers, when you find them report back for others that might be in your situation...good luck
  5. what is the problem? no lights at all?dim lights? etc? etc?
  6. my 2014 acts up as well doing the same thing and then will start working again, aggravating as well i know your pain,since i also have a medical scooter that we carry for my wife that blocks the view i am not as worried about finding the problem as most would be.there are some videos on you tube most on the dodge charger showing how to replace the camera as they seam to have a lot of the same problems as well. also you could check the rubber boot in the upper let corner to see if you have any broke wires there( i checked mine,none) when mine acts up i can slightly open the hatch back and shut it and then it usually starts working again,,,i do have the lifetime max warranty but not wanting to spend the 100 ded i have and also since they have to see it what it is going on, havent been in a hurry to get it fixed kind of waiting for it to poop out completely or need to take the journey in for something else to piggy back it on. i do believe it is the camera or connections in the hatchback as well to be the problem.... good luck and report back on what ever you do or find out what is causing your problem.... as well WELCOME to the group lots of good info here....
  7. yes it does have the under size brake rotors, but my 2011 i had some problems at first and dealership changed out the rotors and that was at around 12 k then after that no more problems and then changed out the pads at around 40 k and traded in on my 2014 journey with no more problems at 70 k
  8. most insurance auto policy carrying towing and such use that if no one to give you a jump
  9. check your plastic wire connections on the coil and any wire that attaches to it,yrs ago my daughters caravan kept having the coil go bad every so often the mechanic would replace it under warranty but then sooner or later it would start to go bad making the van hesitate he finally found the wire inside the plastic connector was shorting out to each other, he replaced the connector and no more problem..............and yes some parts best to replace with mopar, auto chain parts say OEM but at times not really
  10. because you have led lights on a 16 journey.
  11. wouldn't have been covered under warranty as they are a wear item
  12. hate to tell you they were going bad before the fell apart, 2020 -2017 =5 yrs old any ways i use bosh icons great wipers but can be expensive,was just checking on amazon last nite the big wiper was $28 and the smaller one was $18,, they had went up quite a bit since the last time i bought them they were about $24 for both and only replace your rear with mopar as most after market rear wipers dont give a clean wipe some they theirs do but iv tried every cheap brand and they dont work good on my journey only the oem mopar wipes clean and its about $18 for that tiny wiper..LOL
  13. check your cruise control as well, as it is not working either if so then you have a wheel speed sensor gone bad , and also your local auto stores will not be able to check the codes to tell you which one is bad, probally one that you had the tires changed they might have damaged the sensor, you can google wheel speed sensor for more info on how to fix one or replace it not real expensive the dealership replaced my front one and labor and part was around $55..your local garage might be able to find out which one and fix it good luck just relised you should still have warranty just take it in
  14. no they can side forward as i have a 5 seat as well, check our forum for more info as it has been asked about.good luck
  15. i would say you have a problem with the drivers door switch as its the only door that doesn't turn on the lights check the wires going thur thur rubber boot between the door and the frame of the body, there was a problem there on some models with broken or bare wires.good luck
  16. hate to say this but it shouldn't be to hard to see where the end was attached to the side of the eng compartment as it can only match a certain small area ,that said i just went out in the rain and looked at my 2014 journey and it attaches right at the corner of your reserve tank into a small hole in the side of the passenger fender there is a small black plastic grommet that the rod fits into ,,,if the plastic grommet is missing then it must be part of the prop rod. you should be able to fix it or have to buy a new one.....do what most every ne did years ago take a broom handle and cut to fit to hold the hood open,,,,did that with my wife's old hoop dee good luck
  17. 2 differences in rear cam OEM you will still have to take your journey to your local dealership to have the sales code added to your computer by flashing it, after market does not have to something like that dont search thur the forum as this has been asked a lot good luck
  18. make sure you report back how it works for other posters that might have this problem, glad i live where its a lot warmer when we get a real bad cold snap mine will let out a squeal but thats the worst iv had.
  19. no way in hell i would have used this type, how would you get it out when you go to do your repair
  20. hard to beat free....LOL
  21. https://www.tacomaworld.com/tirecalc
  22. that is the size i have used the last 2 times, better selection of tires as well makes you run about 1 mph faster than your speedo will say, no other problems. 255 50 19 can be used as well but more expensive,,,use a tire size calculator to check what size you want to run just google that discount tire is a great place to buy from and if they dont have no stores in your state wait for a holiday to buy as the run great rebate sales then and have always rec the rebates no problem and most of the time you dont pay no sales tax thur the internet if your state doesn't make them charge it, then just take your tires to where ever you want to have them mounted
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