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20journey11 last won the day on January 7 2017

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About 20journey11

  • Birthday 11/05/1964

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  1. I unhooked the positive side for over an hour. Same thing happening.
  2. My 2011 crew does the same thing. Give the steering wheel a good smack and the cruise starts working again.
  3. I have my climate control set to sync. The back seat started blowing cold air out the top vents last winter. I turned the heater on the other day and now the passenger side is blowing cold air. If I turn the automatic off, the air conditioner comes on even though I have the temperature set at 83. Is this a computer issue or something else? I have a 2011 with the 8.4 screen. Anyone have any suggestions?
  4. Did you take this picture sitting on the back of a longhorn steer? lol
  5. The dealer I bought my Journey from installs the brake flasher on all their new vehicles. Then adds $300 to the car for that option.
  6. If the fob is in the car, it will unlock the door and honk 3 times indicating the "key" has been left in the vehicle. If it stays locked, I'm guessing you may want to keep looking.
  7. Anyone tried ultrarev.com? My son bought springs for his Cobalt thru them. I know they carry a few different brands of lowering springs, H&R being one of them.
  8. 2009, 2010, and 2011 have the same body style. The difference is the cross hair grill in the 2011. The ram head is on the rear of the 9 & 10. 2011 on has dodge across the rear hatch. 2012 has the double red stripe on the emblem in the grill. The front and rear fascias were both changed starting with the 2012.
  9. My son put fender stripes on his Cobalt. He made his own at college using their vinyl plotter. If you know of a vinyl shop, or someone with a plotter, you could make your own with a little measuring.
  10. I have the brilliant black and they are actually painted the same color as the rest of the vehicle .
  11. Just wondering if you are replacing a broken grill, or just removing the grill permanently? Most aftermarket grills snap on to the existing grill.
  12. The rear switches won't light up if the child control for them is locked. The front ones should still light up either way.
  13. Mine are painted the same color as the vehicle...Black pearl crystal coat.....not tape.
  14. Are you defeating the purpose if you just change out the muffler and keep the resonators on? Or what do you do about the drone sound in the vehicle with the resonator removed?
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