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Everything posted by Amandam

  1. So 3 weeks ago we bought our 2011 journey. It has everything I have wanted in a car for 10 years. All the bells and whistles. One week in the speakers quit working. After a day at the dealership they figured out a cord was lose under the passengers seat. Another week later i was leaving work at 7am and it wouldn't start!!!! How does a brand new car not start. ( its a keyless by the way) We called the dealership and they said to pop off the start bottom and use the key.... This model doesn't have a key hole! They are paying for that. We tested the battery and it was only at 7 volts when it should be at twelve. As I was trying to start it the screen in the dash started giving directions in German... we jumped it and drove it to the dealership. They said the computer box wasn't shutting down properly so it drained the battery. They ordered a new computer which will not be in for a week, gave us a dirty rental with an empty tank. Now we are waiting to hear if it is fixed. Should I expect more problems since we have had such a rough start? What should we do? This car is brand new of the show room floor. Please give me some advice.
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