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Journey Member
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  1. Got the Journey back from the shop. They flushed the all the valves. They think there was a piece of carbon blocking a valve on #5 cylinder. Gave it a good drive and had no problems. It seems the dealerships daughter had the same problem
  2. We have a 2010 Journey SXT. Over the past few months when accelerating up hill between 50-70km/h the engine shutters, loose acceleration and the engine lights blinks. When you push down on the accelerator there is no power and the engine shutters. It is as if the accelerator is not engaging. Had it to the dealership twice. They said they could not find anything recorded. This time when it happened the light stayed on. Have an appointment to get it checked. Have only had the vehicle for 14months. Have owned 3 other Dodge vehicles and don't feel warm and fuzzy when mechanics rely on computers.
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