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Journey Member
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Everything posted by jimbocoles

  1. I am new to this forum and forums in general, but I have had the same problems with my 2009 Journey that many have had including faulty brakes / rotors and my car starts when it feels like it. I find this to be completely unacceptable as I am entrusting Dodge / Chrysler to ensure the safety of my wife, my three year old and my six month old. In short this car is a lemon and I will never buy D/C again and will advise anyone the same. I also work for an organization that deals with social media strategy and software every day and I believe that there are some individuals (apologists) from Dodge who are both monitoring and posting on this forum touting their "new" 2011 products and how "greatly improved" they are - "you have to check them out!". The fact is, there is a reason this company was on life support prior to our tax dollars bailing them out - they stink. I have owned three Jeep wranglers in my youth that would die at 90k like clockwork. This company should have been taken off life support while we had the chance. Anyone want a 2009 Dodge Journey? You can have it on the cheap. Thanks for the opportunity to vent! jim
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