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Everything posted by generaltso

  1. generaltso

    Floor mats

    Yeah, that's an option too. I can't quite picture what would be entailed in moving the hook since I don't have my Journey yet. Does the Weathertech mat cover the entire foot rest on the driver's side?
  2. Not in the US, unfortunately. I've got a Crew on order, but I'll have to buy the crossbars if I want them.
  3. It's certainly possible that they confused the Journey with another vehicle. The review is so detailed that I'm surprised they would misstate something like that.
  4. Do you hate the fact that you had to buy them or is there something about their functionality that you hate?
  5. It's possible, but I've never seen them mentioned, even on the Lux trim. The review vehicle was a Crew.
  6. I just read this review of the 2011 Journey Crew at allpar.com. In general, it's a very good review. But there are a couple of things they mentioned that left me scratching my head. http://www.allpar.com/reviews/2011/journey.html It says: it'll also show you when you're running on four cylinder mode (by flashing the word “ECO.”) Is that true? This is the first I've ever seen any mention that the V6 can run in "four cylinder mode". The owner's manual does say that there's an ECO light (if equipped), but it doesn't say what it actually does. I also saw this: The trunk has no physical key, but the fob button will pop it open (all the way) Again, this is the first I've heard of this. The pictures of the Journey key fob that I've seen don't even have a trunk button. Does anyone have a Journey with a trunk button on the fob? If so, does a press of the button really "pop it open (all the way)"? If these features don't actually exist, where did Allpar get this review vehicle that had these features?
  7. generaltso

    Floor mats

    I called Weathertech and asked if the two hook version would be out soon. They said that they haven't had any requests for it. I find that interesting since I submitted their online product request form over a month ago. After hearing that, I bought the Husky mats
  8. Thanks Armendegga. I guess it really doesn't matter if the cutout is centered. Yours definitely isn't centered, but it looks good that way!
  9. That's good to know. It's probably just an optical illusion that makes it look like there's a bigger space on one side because of the plug. The installation instructions show no space at all to the right of the hitch, but that's just a drawing.
  10. I agree, but if the cutout is bigger, they wouldn't be able to use the paper template. Probably not a huge deal if the installer knows what they're doing. The trim that covers the cut edge also probably wouldn't be long enough.
  11. You're right, it does look like it must be welded on there, so I guess it wouldnt make sense not to use it for the plug. Since the hitch is centered on the car and there's more room cutout to the left than the right, the cutout must not be centered on the bumper, correct?
  12. My current car just has the plug in the trunk. When I need it, I just close the trunk lid on the wire, which seems to work okay. Is that an option with the Journey or is the bracket for the plug welded to the hitch?
  13. There was a thread on here a week or two ago with reports of the same behavior. I think that's a fantastic feature so you don't necessarily have to invest in TPMS sensors for your winter wheels. I assume it would still light up the warning light if it wasn't all 4 sensors that were missing, because then it could just be a failed sensor. But if all 4 are missing, it assumes they were removed on purpose. My big question is whether or not this behavior is the same on the American models since TPMS is required in the US.
  14. If the wiring plug wasn't there, would the cutout space on both sides of the hitch be equal? I would think it would be if the cutout is centered on the vehicle and the hitch, but the picture looks like the space is bigger on the left to accomodate the plug. Is it even an option to not have the plug on the hitch or is the bracket that holds the plug welded on?
  15. Will do. Right now, it says that it's in the "Paint" stage. The expected ship date on the Insight system yesterday was 11/25, so I'm hoping it ships this week. The VOTS system does show future stages of "Shipment" and "Delivery", but I'm not sure there will be any details available when it's between those stages like there was with Insight. I'll let you know.
  16. Thanks for the info, Chris. Of course Murphy's law would dictate that the system becomes unavailable the very week that my Journey is supposed to ship from the factory. I should still be able to see when it ships through the VOTS system, but I think the Insight system was the only way for a customer to track the movement of the vehicle after it ships. Maybe the VOTS system will start showing that info after it ships. I'll hope for that
  17. I've been keeping an eye on the production status of my Journey through the VOTS system as well as the Insight system. Today, when I tried to check the status through Insight, I get the following message: Due to security reasons, the vehicle trace feature is available only through Chrysler DealerConnect Portal. Please use Chrysler DealerConnect Portal to track your vehicles or contact your Chrysler representative for further information. Has this happened before and come back? Or does this mean that Chrysler has removed public access to the Insight system for good?
  18. You got General Altimax Arctics in 225/55R19? I haven't been able to find them in that size.
  19. Yeah, that's what I've been seeing as well. The 8.4 apparently became available to the factory starting 11/1, but it probably won't show up in cars on the lots until January or so. The special orders are probably the first 2012 models that we'll see with the 8.4. Those should start arriving in December (mine included).
  20. That's awesome! I wonder if the behavior is the same with the American models since TPMS is mandatory in the US.
  21. Congrats! Did you buy it off the lot or was it a special order? Did it have the 8.4 inch screen or the 4.3?
  22. Yup, that's the estimate for my location. It goes from Toluca to New York on a train with 3 interchanges. Then it goes onto a truck to get to me in Vermont. It probably takes a lot less time if you're closer to Mexico.
  23. Mine was "Scheduled for Production" for about a week and moved to "Frame" two days ago. The Insight tracking page shows the estimated ship date as 11/25, so I'm hoping to get it by the second or 3rd week of December.
  24. Were you able to track your car? Mine just entered Framing with an expected ship date of 11/25. I think yours was ahead of mine, so I would think it's probably built by now and maybe already shipped?
  25. I don't think you'll fine one at a dealer that has the rear seat entertainment. It wasn't an option for 2011 and it was "late availability" for 2012 along with the 8.4 inch screen up front. From what I've heard, the 8.4 inch front screen and the 9" rear screen weren't available to build until 11/1/11, which means that they aren't going to make it dealers for a while. That's why I ended up special ordering mine with both. I'm hoping to get it by Christmas.
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