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About nAc_ChUcK

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  1. I had the same issue, turned the key and nothing, my lights worked, radio worked but nothing happened when I turned the key. I jumped it and it started, but did it again a week later. Turned out to be the WIN module, they replaced it and reprogrammed my keys and it never happened again.
  2. Mine started with the replacement of the power steering reservoir Then the engine was tapping. they replaced lifters and exhaust lifters, still tapped Replaced engine, on the way home check engine light came on, and it still tapped Check engine light was due to technician not connecting a wire harness, they fixed this and changed rocker arms, still tapped On the was home the tranny was banging, pulled in my garage and looked on the floor, tranny fluid all over Back at dealer, they tore a transmission seal while replaceing the engine, and claimed they test drove and checked it out after the engine replacement, they claimed they drove it 80 miles and nothing but the moment i get in it is blowing fluid The car would not start with the key fobs, it was like the battery was dead, but it was not, they had to replace the win module The led lights for the back seats stopped working, they had to replace the unit as well Check engine light came on again and the car was making a loud noise as if I was driving a groved pavement, happened at speeds of 45mph and usually after driving for 20 mintues. They changed the O2 sensor as this is what they say the code was for. The new engine was still tapping so the redid the lifters and exhaust lifters, still tapped Changed intake it still tapped and had a whislting noise coming from where the alternator was. The check engine light came on again, for a faulty O2 sensor. Left car at dealer after that.
  3. Mine started with the replacement of the power steering reservoir Then the engine was tapping. they replaced lifters and exhaust lifters, still tapped Replaced engine, on the way home check engine light came on, and it still tapped Check engine light was due to technician not connecting a wire harness, they fixed this and changed rocker arms, still tapped On the was home the tranny was banging, pulled in my garage and looked on the floor, tranny fluid all over Back at dealer, they tore a transmission seal while replaceing the engine, and claimed they test drove and checked it out after the engine replacement, they claimed they drove it 80 miles and nothing but the moment i get in it is blowing fluid The car would not start with the key fobs, it was like the battery was dead, but it was not, they had to replace the win module The led lights for the back seats stopped working, they had to replace the unit as well Check engine light came on again and the car was making a loud noise as if I was driving a groved pavement, happened at speeds of 45mph and usually after driving for 20 mintues. They changed the O2 sensor as this is what they say the code was for. The new engine was still tapping so the redid the lifters and exhaust lifters, still tapped Changed intake it still tapped and had a whislting noise coming from where the alternator was. The check engine light came on again, for a faulty O2 sensor. Left car at dealer after that.
  4. I bought mine in May 08 as well and it was bought back by chrysler as a lemon in March 09. I had the engine replaced and a number of other items replaced/repaired as well, all under 10,000 miles. Good Luck.
  5. O2 sensor was changed twice and it stil threw codes for a malfunction
  6. I had the same problem, check engine light kept coming on. The computer would tell them it was an O2 sensor. It was changed twice and the light still came on. My truck turned out to be a lemon and was bought back by Chrysler. It had other engine problems besides the check engine light and O2 sensor.
  7. I had the same issue. Plus the TV never turned back on when the car was started. I had to go into the menu and turn on the rear ves everytime I got in. I asked the dealer about it and they said if I turned on rear ves in the main menu then the TV should come on everytime I start the car witout my intervention.
  8. see ur other post I replied to.
  9. I had the same engine in my RT which I bought May 08. The car ran fine until Nov when it stated to get colder and at the same time I received a notice from my dealer to have the power steering res. changed. Once the local dealer started touching the car in November 08 it was in and out of the dealer weekly and at some points it was at the dealer for a week or more at a time. I had lifters, exhaust lifeters, engine, lifters again, O2 sensor, win module, back seat lights, fog lights, intake all replaced before 10,000 miles. I finally had it with the car and the aggrevation with the dealer and did a buy back with Chrysler. the were very understanding, very helpful and within a 3 week time frame they purchased my vehicle back. I still supported chrysler as I love Jeeps and bought a 2009 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. I suggest if you have problems to contact Chrylser directly and see what can be done. Good Luck.
  10. Thats it? Mine worked well over 500 yards away. Did you try changing the battery in the remote?
  11. I am here every day to trying to lend a helping hand since I had all sorts of issues and just completed the buyback process with chrysler.
  12. Hey Chaps after having all that replaced my wife experienced a grinding noise coming from the engine at speeds around 45 mph. she also said the car sounded like she was driving on grooved pavement. This happened about 3-4 times as well as the check engine light coming on at the same time. The dealer was unable to duplicate this problem but they said the check engine light had to do with an O2 sensor, which they replaced and the light still came on. When the light comes on though the tranny bangs and the car hesitates. They cannot figure any of this out. I also had a whistle coming from the area around the alternator which they could not pinpoint. One of the other human errors was that they happened to destroy my axle seals while replacing the engine and I had tranny fluid everywhere. They said the car was good to go and on my 3 minute ride home I was leavinga trail of fluid. I know they did not even check the car after they worked on it, rumor has it there was a spill in the bathroom and the tech was need to go mop the floor. Anyway they blamed the whistle on the fluid which coated my belts. I cannot tell you if they were right as I parked the car at the dealer and refused to take it back as it is unsafe. But I suggest you speak with someone at chrysler and let them know what you found out about the grind/growl noise as I had the engine plant on the phone with my dealer for over 2 months and noone could figure it out. Turns out they are bringing my Journey back to the plant and taking it to the lab to tear it down to find out what went wrong.
  13. After 3 months of the ticking and having the lifters replaced, ehxhaust lifters replaced, then the engine replaced, then the lifters again, then the intake, not to mention all the other issues that developed while my service department tooled around under the hood, Chrysler is buying back my Journey. If you are experiencing the tapping/ticking noise I would suggest taking it in to the dealer and have the check it out. I must say that Chrysler has been great through out the whole process, my dealer on the other hand is another story but Chrysler has just been terriffic in helping out.
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