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Everything posted by Devilzblood

  1. So My question was LED bulbs in Halogen Projectors not reflectors
  2. Hi, I know its not advisable to install HID's in a Halogen projector as it degrades it over time. What about installing a good quality LED Bulb? Since the heat from LED is far lower then HID, would that help prolong the life of the projectors? Thank you!
  3. Its not about which phone to connect t. Under your bluetooth settings even in your phone, when you tap your car you will see the following: Call Audio Media Audio Modern bluetooth devices are aware of the difference and so is the car. I am not talking about the priority feature. Just that Phone A can be connected for call audio only and Phone B can be connected for Media Audio. When you receive a call on Phone A, you use your cars bluetooth and if you receive a call on Phone B, you just use the handset because the system (UConnect in this case) doesn't have the permission and is not connected for call audio. I will take a picture of the two should you require proof but this does work
  4. I have connected two phones hence I told you it is possible. In the dodge and the infiniti. Problem is that priority makes no difference, sometimes it connects smoothly with no issues other times it says device not available. I am thinking I will do a dealer visit and see what they have to say about it.
  5. I understand that. The issue is, once a phone is connected and you would like to connect a difference phone so you first disconnect the first one and connect to the second one. When doing that, it doesn't connect to the second phone at all stating device is unreachable even though it is in the car with bluetooth on and then it won't connect to the first device again either saying device is unavailable. That is the issue. Also you can technically connect two phones, one will be used for calls via the car and the second would be for media streaming.
  6. I have experienced something similar with both Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and an Iphone 6S. connection takes a while but if it connects to the iphone and I want to switch to the Samsung, then it will say it is unable to connect even though the the phone is in the car and bluetooth is turned on.
  7. What kind of bulbs are you replacing the OEM's with? The new bulb seems to have a less yellow and more white tint.
  8. Well I am relieved that at least I am not the only one. I am so disappointed on how the design on the screen is. I am thinking maybe a custom screen protector might fill the scratches since they are on the surface and not deep? Not sure if anyone tried that
  9. Hi Guys, Got this car back in Jan 5th of this year so it is still new. Yesterday as I was driving I noticed that the EVIC had a lot of streaks marks and dust so I decided to gently wipe the screen with some tissue. When I did that, I ended up leaving scratches that go from up to down on right side of the screen. I am still unsure how since I was extremely gentle. Anything I can do? Or am I screwed. Do note that the scratch lines only seem to be visible if Sun is directly hitting the display otherwise you can't seem to tell. Unfortunately my morning commute shines the sun at the display so I'd really like to try and fix it. Thanks guys
  10. I apologize, I may not have been clear from the beginning. By trunk light, I meant the one side the car and not the License plate bulbs. I already changed those, the first day I bought the car since I had an extra pair from my Infiniti. I have the R/T model, so the front interior lights, the center and back are all nice white LED's except for the yellow lights that turn on when you open the trunk lid or unlock the car.
  11. Hi Guys, So all the interior lights are LED's in the journey except the light lid ones (I don't know understand why those aren't LED's). Anyone have a suggestion of which ones to install? Since I am in Canada, my choices are often limited but I want to get one that matches in colour with the other interior lights at least. Thanks
  12. Yeah, we had lots of rain yesterday, including the thunder storm at night. Looking forward to the pictures!! Can you take one facing the garage door and perhaps on a dark road? Thanks
  13. Can you post a picture of the car with the headlights on facing the wall once the LED's are installed? Curious to see the results.
  14. Hey, So I don't know what projectors he was qouting but he just increased the price 3x when i asked him so i am not sure if I want to get the work done from him. I am now leaning towards this: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/For-2009-10-11-12-13-14-2015-Dodge-Journey-LED-DRL-Projector-Black-Headlights-/381481680962?fits=Make%3ADodge%7CModel%3AJourney&hash=item58d2148042:g:MysAAOSw8-tWXyEA&vxp=mtr
  15. Yup, I can't agree more. Did you do this yourself? I live in the TO area and I am afraid of messing other things up so looking to see if I can find a shop to do this. The only problem with them is that I don't know how reliable the projectors will be. I got a quote of 350 with Halo lens projectors for the journey. The shop would need the car for the day to do the retrofitting.
  16. No, but the video quality is quite bad for 2016. I just wasn't sure if its my car or just how the screen quality is.
  17. Hi Guys, So I briefly turned on the rear screen to verify that is was working when i put in the dvd. I noticed that the screen quality was not that great. Even when compared to the small display in the front. I guess it is safe to assume that the screen is not HD. It was kind of disappointing that its 2016 and the car screen is still not HD. Thanks
  18. Hey, Any update on the wall shot? Looking forward to see if there is any cut off.
  19. I have heard that HIR have short lifespan as well as they burn brighter and faster, mostly walking about the Sylvania ones from Canadian Tire haha
  20. This looks nice, thank you. Looking forward to the picture with lights (low beams) against the wall. Cheers
  21. Thanks, do you have a picture that i can see? Perhaps car either facing a garage or a wall with the headlights on. Thanks again
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