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Kristina Shoop

Journey Member
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About Kristina Shoop

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  1. If you haven't noticed. I am CLEARLY NOT the only bitcher and complainer on this forum. Im pissed because I dumped all of my hard earned money into a new car to AVOID the problems and now I have nothing but MORE problems and have that right to complain . I guess you get to either read my whiny posts or skip over then. Doesnt hurt me one bit buddy. have a lovely day....;P
  2. Mine does this as well., Since the day I bought it. Have you figured out if it is normal yet ? I would also like to know. Thanks!
  3. Journey I absolutely did not pay $42,00 for it! LOL thats a laugh. I could have gotten an Audi for that amount. I bought it for $14, 000 when it had 42,000 MILES on it. Today the stalling problems and engine light came back on again. And yes to some people on these forums its not insult people , but when you are ignored by chrysler repeatedly you have no other choice but to vent on a forum. I have no idea what is wrong with my journey again this time. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Ok so heres the deal . Stalls at red lights or any kid of slow down ... Engine light on . First time this happened the code was coming up as crank/cam shaft sensor positioning. We replaced both sensors, Car still bucked and hesitated shifting on highway . We replaced all the spark plugs . ran BEAUTIFUL . now its back to stalling out again . Ran fine yesterday and for a cpl months. Only symptom is stalling. not sure of what to do other than drag it to dealer with hazards on blowing every red light to make it there. lol Any help from Anyone ?
  4. Is there a chance that there may be another sensor bad ? or is the continuing problem because I need to unhook the battery to reset the system ? I'm not sure if I should be running out to buy more parts just yet. LOL
  5. Just because I'm eventually trading it in for a BETTER quality vehicle doesn't mean I don't need help on my current cars MANY issues. Please read other posts i have submitter before judging. You make yourself look like a true TOOL. I was frustrated and pissed off about my cars new found problem when I posted that last one, and Guess what ? I had all rights to when I was looking for help with diagnosing the problem. Soooo unless you are going to help ... oh no thats right . peoples problems bore you to death. Well have you croaked YET?
  6. I post to help people. If you have nothing better to do than call people out for freedom of speech then be gone yourself. I did want help . if you have ever read any of my other posts . I was having engine stalling trouble and was frustrated. step off the soapbox dear
  7. They sound like toyota. They admitted losing focus on the safety of their product for the profits it made. And look what happened? lots of people died because their cars malfunctioned. Dodge is lucky to not have this happen yet with the amount of problems ive seen with journeys on these blogs. I wish I could turn back time and buy the kia sportage instead seeing as the quality was much better. I just got done yesterday 2/5/12 fixing the camshaft position sensor on mine journey. would have been a quick job but i dropped the damn bolt behind my starter of all places! fought tooth and nail for over 3 hours to get it out. lol needless to say my arms and hands looks like I've been in a brawl! husband says the car is still stalling and has a rough idle. Although he still hasnt reset the mil so i think that may be the issue. plus our starter connections have always been fussy. You have to reach in there and fiddle with the cable on some occasions to get her to start up. I cant wait until I have the means to trade it in because it's going to the next owner to be a lemon for them. I cant handle it anymore. i can say that i fixed the premature break wear problem! thats a plus in a sea on negatives! people have to STOP buying the cheapy pads. I bought the wagner heat therm ceramic pads.(i dont remember the actual name but this is close) not only do they work awesome but theres less break dust on my wheels now. and! they have lasted more than 15k ! whoooo! EVERYONE should buy those pads. their worth the extra money for sure!
  8. bought my 09 journey se at 42k . had it a whopping 2 whole days and a caliper seized up on the front and warped the rotors from the heat. since then, all 4 have been replaced because of seizing solid. window motor on pass front went bad like a year ago. total b.s. now im having fun with the mil light on the dash . car shifts erratically . downshifts when i try to accelerate, stalls when idling in a parking spot. shakes uncontrollably when braking, warped rotors AGAIN! <this is the cause for shaking in steering and pedal . so my car was tested, CODE P0017 Camshaft position sensor . all the signs of it too, how is this quality when you pay out the arse for a new car to avoid old car problems , all you get when you buy dodge is all the 20 year old car problems when its brand new off the lot. my next car will NOT be a dodge. never again will i waste my hard earned money ! however, i did have a concorde lxi that went past 210k and still runs solid. what happened to your quality and customer service dodge? if it werent for your customers , your pockets wouldnt be fat . so start taking care of the people filling them already ! RECALLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  9. My check engine light came on this week ,went to part store for free mil light check . P0017 cam shaft position sensor. now my piece of shit journey shifts erratically. downshifts at high rpms when im trying to accelerate . all 4 calipers seized up before 48k on it. starts when it feels like it, pass side window motor shit the bed a year ago. im sick of this car and when i have the $ its going bye bye for a ford mustang ! dodge =never again!
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