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Lin-Ken Taing-Lealao

Journey Member
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Everything posted by Lin-Ken Taing-Lealao

  1. Thanks for the input! We tried starting the car and it went dead. Bought new battery in hopes everything would be fine. Put new battery in, car started fine but then... all the same things started occurring. What else can it be???
  2. So just today, as we were pulling out from the store, our Dodge Journey began to go haywire! The dashboard lights and indicators started flashing and beeping, my signal indicators wouldn't work but still signaled, the windshield wipers turned on without me turning it on, my gages would be normal then fall back as if it didn't work, then be normal, and fall back down, and then, my gas tank meter would all of a sudden fall to empty when my gas was originally half full. Another thing is that my front windows would not roll back up but the back windows worked just fine. I can't lock or unlock my car from the inside so I can only use my key. Can someone give me an idea of what is going on? I was able to drive with all this going on, but I was so afraid that thecar would shut off on me with my kids in it. Please help!
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