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Javier Medina

Journey Member
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Everything posted by Javier Medina

  1. I just did it today surprisingly very easy install for the 2012 se . Didn't realize how dull the fiber glass was . The only holes I made were for the fog inserts but I actually just pushed a screwdriver through the factorys plastic fog cover . Then just pushed the covers with elbow geese through the fiber glass until they snapped back into place .
  2. let me know when you sell your wheels ? :shades:
  3. Should come in this week and I'll post some pictures up .... http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=230689093305
  4. Yeah was offered a set of 22's rim and tire installed for $ 1600. I almost pulled the trigger but still want to look at other places the tires seemed too thin....
  5. I should of researched before ordering a grille from ebay! I just ordered a symbolic perimeter grille combo inserts, after reading around is it true I have to drill into the existing grille? I hope not I haven't even received them and already nervous.
  6. Post pics and how much did they run you ? I'm assuming the stock rims are chrome what are you doing with those ?
  7. I'm going to swing by discount tire today and took a look at this wheel http://www.discounttire.com/dtcs/findWheelDetail.do?dVeh=dVeh&bp=&tc=MBMTKO&c=2&rcz=60406&yr=2012&pc=46296&wd=16&rw=&vid=021192&rc=ILCINT I have a feeling im not going to like it and end buyiing 20"wheels and tires.
  8. Just purchased a 2012 basic model Journey which so far have no issues . I do miss my rt charger but with the new family addition it was probably best. I have no issues with the vehicle besides the ugly hub cap tires I really would like some new wheels . I'm thinking black would look sharp before I go browsing what specs do I need to know? Would like to maintain the original tires but always open to bigger options. Thanks in advance !!
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