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About Remline

  • Birthday 04/20/1972

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  1. they make a brake "gllue". you apply it to the back of the pads. The squeal is the pad vibrating against the caliper. This tacky stuff will dampen the vibration. I use it all the time. You put it on let it setup for about 5 to 10 mins. then install pads as normal. Semi Metallics squeal horrible. After application no noise.
  2. got mine from Amazon. just a replacement filter. Not the intake kit.
  3. that is about what I get with the V6. At 70mph at least.
  4. not sure about the Nano put the Touch and iphone do not have the firewire charge circuit anymore. So it has to be charged on the USB circuit. I solved the problem by getting this: http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/...o-usb-converter It does not turn off the phone but it does charge it.
  5. Don't know about the drip pan but mine leaked pretty good on me. They found that the drain hoses were kinked where water would normally be passed. They also found an alignement problem. Fixed on first try.
  6. Well I started using 89. Gas milage went up at 1.5 mpg. Just got back off a 3000 mile road trip. Through the blue ridge mountains I got just under 21 going 70 -75 with a soft roof rack. On flat roads I got about 22. When I went on a side trip with no roof rack on flat roads doing about 60 I got 24.2.
  7. I have had the same thing happen on hot and cold days. I have had my Journey since Janurary. Looked like the water was coming from the exhaust. I always figured it was condensation. I am in St. Louis area.
  8. most of the weight should be on the bottom cross bar not the one resting on the glass. I just picked up a hatch mounted one. The lower bar can easily be made to rest on the bumper thus all the weight is resting on the bumper instead of the straps. The straps just keep it from moving at that point. Going on a 2000 mile round trip with 2 smaller bikes for the kids. I have fitted everything and gone out for a test drive. Seems solid.
  9. I believe that the book states that you should not put more than 350 on the tongue. The amount should be more inside the tires but as far as the trailer goes they say no more than 10% that is 350 on 3500lbs capacity.
  10. Since 87 is allowed it will not damage the motor. I found that 87 was causing a rough idle. I also noticed less fuel economy. I get about 1.5mpg more with midgrade. That is a wash at an extra .15 per gal. But the rough idle is gone.
  11. There is a recall on the Powersteering pump for just that problem.
  12. I have foudn that sometimes break pads are actually vibrating against the caliper. If you are so inclined they make a backing for the brake pads that is spray on. It goes something like remove the pads spray the liner on and let it dry. Then reinstall the pads. It basically puts a thin rubber like layer between the caliper and teh pads. I use it on back of metallic pads as they are bad for squealing.
  13. No. I was talking about the aux in on the back of the center console.
  14. When I pressured my dealer serivce dept. about it they thought (could not confirm) that there were diffrent versions of the EVIC. Now I am not saying that is true as I bought mine used and did not get a look at the options but if there are different EVIC levels I would expect that someone would have the version that displays it. They said 1 manual per car model is causing them all kinds of problems becuase most aren't listed as options to folks expect it to work if it is in the manual.
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