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Brandi McPeak

Journey Member
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Everything posted by Brandi McPeak

  1. that's a good point, I didn't realize this either at first. Most places you go for quick lube only do 5 quarts.
  2. hasn't happened to me but after a few oil changes I quickly realized that the journey drinks oil and goes through a lot, so I just keep on checking it now. Never had to with my other cars, but it is what it is :-)
  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Journey -- until now that is.... Did you have to put the most rare tires on the thing? 225 55 19's are not easy to come by AND they are $300-$400 a pop!! That's just CRAZY!! I'm going to have park my beloved Journey until I will the lottery! PS it's 2.5 years old with 60,000 miles....
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