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Fdavey55 last won the day on September 27 2022

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About Fdavey55

  • Birthday November 14

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  1. Fdavey55

    Smelly AC

    I had this same issue with a Toyota I once had. If you use the recirculation feature then condensation tends to build up in the vents, when you shut the vehice off then all that moisture just pools and sits. If left it will cause a musty / sour smell. I found if you turn the recirc off on the last 2-3 miles of your drive it will dry things out and eliminate the smell. It took about a week to fully get rid of it but it worked. Like bigtsr, I too have Febreezed my cabin filter, it works well but you need to elimnate the moisture also. Good Luck!
  2. I got the lights all mounted and love the results. I went with a Carr Light Wing so I could easily remove the setup if needed. I mounted the switch just to the right of the light dimmer switch. For me it seemed to be the easiest place to run the wires with the least amount of damage. I power the light off the battery through a relay powered by the high beams. Basicall if the switch is off and I turn on my high beams then all i get is high beams. If the switch is on and I turn on my high beams then I get high beams and KC lights. It sure does brighten up dark lonely roads, lol. Here is the switch location. After this picture was taken I ran the wires inside the wings and they can be plugged in below and behind the license plate bracket for a much cleaner and wire free look. It also conceals the wires when the wing is removed so they aren't just dangling.
  3. I was infact looking at that last night. This weekend I am doing just that, thanks for the feedback!
  4. Here is a view of the distance from the lights to the vehicle. It was also important to me that the lights don't touch or rub our DJ.
  5. My family is pretty active in the outdoors and quite often we find ourselves out in the middle of nowhere, in the dark. I come from Alaska and with our long dark winters I have always been a fan of “more light”. I wanted to add some off road lights to our DJ but wanted to do it in a way they can be easily removed when not needed. I used a product many years ago called a Carr Light Wing. I ordered one recently and installed it along with two KC lights on our 2012 SXT. Below you will find a picture of the lights installed. I’ve left the license plate off so you can see how easy installation and removal is. The light wing mounts with two screws. I opted for longer bolts that way I could beef it up to minimize light vibration. When I decide to remove it all I’ll need is to take the wing off and unplug the lights. The lights are plugged in behind and below the grill do it looks prettier, lol. To run the power I used a relay system. I installed a switch in the cab right next to where the old dimmer switch used to be. When the switch is in the on position, the lights will turn on when the high beams do. The lights themselves are powered off the battery on their own circuit. I tapped into the high beams just to power the relay. I went this route so the TIPM will never have an unexpected current flow.
  6. Hello, apparently previous model year Journey's had two dimmer switches. I own a 2012 SXT that only has 1 but there is an "empty" space next to it. The question I have is how do I remove the dimmer switch? I am looking to install a toggle in the empty space and I want to get a good look at it and the space behind it before I go drilling. I've got the lower valance removed and can reach up behind it but would like some additional info prior to using any muscle, lol. Thanks in advance for your help!
  7. Well it has been a little over a month since I bought a 2012 Dodge Journey SXT. I have to admit I was a little hesitant and almost didn’t even test drive it. I originally come from Alaska. I lived just outside of Fairbanks but spent most of my time north of the Arctic Circle. Unfortunately Dodge’s, at that time, didn’t quite hold up. Mostly on the electrical side of things. So naturally whenever I purchase anything I always base my decisions on the rigors I used to contend with. With our family growing, and my niece and nephew coming up for the summer, my wife and I needed a larger vehicle. We test drove numerous vehicles. We were trying to find the best fit for our summer guests without being “stuck” with something too big for the other 10 months of the year. My wife had come across the Journey during her research and I contested but eventually gave in to a test drive. I was thoroughly impressed. I did a lot of research; test drove other vehicles and the Journey for about 2 weeks. Eventually I agreed to a Silver SXT. I didn’t want to post anything until I put some miles on it because of the newness factor. After a little over month and 2500 miles I LOVE IT! The Journey offers a ton of features for what I believe is the best value for my dollar. The interior is very roomy. Even with the third row up, my 12 and 9 year olds have plenty of room. The passengers and the driver do not have to sacrifice their leg room for the benefit of rear passengers. We also have a 14 month old daughter. The back seat is large enough to fit her massive car seat and getting her in and out is a breeze with the doors opening so wide. Our previous vehicle required you to be a contortionist to get her in and out. The ride is very smooth and not at all like a “truck”. I am impressed with the lack of road noise even at highway speeds and in windy conditions. The AWD offers a smooth and controlled feel. Our family is very outdoorsy. We do a lot of camping, hiking and we love to Geocache. The Journey has so far been able to go everywhere I have pointed her, albeit my wife gets a little nervous from time to time. I have found the key is to not be an idiot about it and to know the vehicles limitations. The fuel economy has so far been on par with what I have suspected. I personally try to do what I can to get the best possible MPG’s. If I am going to town I usually go 5-10 mph slower than I used to. I’ve found I can get up to 9% more MPG doing that and it only costs me 3 minutes on my trip. There have been a couple of longer trips where I do travel around 80 mph but all in all not too bad. According to Fuelly I am averaging in the neighborhood of 27 mpg. The V6 offers plenty of power. I like the fact I can get up and go with no hesitation. I have yet to run out of power and you really feel the vehicle just want to go. The price was great and the extras really make life nice. Honestly, how did I ever go so long without satellite radio, lol? Bottom line, we love this vehicle and have not had any problems. The only thing I wish we did was get the 8.3 radio and the back up camera. I look forward to adding some of my own personal touches and will post pics as I get them done. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the feedback! I had a feeling that is what I was going to do. I guess it is time to start looking to the best place to put the switch. Battery -> Relay -> Switch -> Lights seem like the safest way to go. Next question... Will this in anyway affect my warranty? Thanks again!
  9. I recently bought a 2012 SXT and so far I LOVE it. One question I have is regarding Off-Road Lights (KC, etc.). Our family does a lot of camping, fishing, hiking and Geocaching. I would like to install some off road lights attached to a light wing (a license plate bracket / light bar) so I can easily remove them when I am not going to be needing the lights. Since the vehicle is so new I am not too keen on drilling a hole in the dash to mount a switch. I am curious if anyone has installed such lights and how they did it. I have contemplated tapping them into the driving lights so I cn use its exhisting switch but I'm not sure if it would be too much of a drain on the system. I have done a lot of electrical work on older vehicles but these new ones seem tricky with all the sensors and computers. Any help / advice is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!
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