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Journey Member
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Everything posted by journeyhombre

  1. I live in sunny Mexico. I never have seen any snow down here, but I am sure there is some somewhere. I have a rather steep concrete ramp up into the gate to my property on a narrow street. I have to turn as sharply left as I can to make it through the gate, and if I am driving north there is a slight uphill incline on the street. The Journey will just spin one front wheel, and never send any power the the rear wheels. Therefore I have to go around the block and come downhill and make a sharp right turn onto the driveway ramp, and it will barely make it that way. Maybe my AWD is not working at all. Is there a fuse or relay that I might check that controls the AWD? Are there any known problems that cause the AWD not to function at all. On another subject, when I try to reverse uphill, the car will barely move, then lurch backwards. Nothing graceful about backing uphill out of a parking spot. Thanks for any information you can share with me. Jorge
  2. I have a 2010 Dodge Journey SXT AWD. When turning into my driveway, if a car is parked across the street, I have to turn very sharply to get into the driveway. Living in Mexico, with very narrow streets. If I try to get up the slight incline, at slow speed, turning very sharply to the left, the right front, and left rear wheel just spin. I have let them spin for a few seconds, thinking the AWD would kick in, but it has not. So I have to back up and get a little "run and go" to get on up the slope into the gate. The gate is right on the sidewalk, and I would rather try to make my entrance a little more slowly, at least until I get used to the situation. Does this sound like correct operation of the AWD system? Thanks in advance for any input. Journeyhombre
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