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noren last won the day on March 15 2017

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About noren

  • Birthday 10/05/1977

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  1. Dont you have to say: "Call John Home" or something like that. I have only used the uconnect a couple of times. But I think that was what I did. /Andreas
  2. I recently had my driver door lock changed under warranty. It behaved exactly like you said. It didn't go all the way down. And when i pulled the handle the door would open and the alarm would go off. /Andreas
  3. This will if I have understood it correctly: http://www.coastaletech.com/MYGIG.htm /Andreas
  4. The info about the CD's comes from the MyGigs Gracenote database. In the system info on the MyGig you can see what Gracenote version you have. According to http://www.mofv.com/mygig/ the latest version is 1287 for the US. The dealer should be able to update to the latest version. I think the identification works by looking at the number of tracks and the lenght of the tracks. A burnt cd might not work if it's not identical to the original cd. /Andreas
  5. I also have noticed this "hissing" and wondered what it is. It seams to be connected to the throttle - the more push the gas pedal down - the more the hissing sounds. You can say that the hissing is behaving the way the engine is. The more engine noise - the more hissing. Is this the same for you? About the cooling - idiot question: you know you can set the climate control separately for the left and right side (and rear) of the vehicle? And have you checked the way the blowers is blowing the air? A draft can make it seam colder than it really is. /Andreas
  6. That's what I'm planning to do as well. But I think I will by to separate units, not two screens to one dvd-player. The kids are 3 and 6 years old - and don't really agree on movie choices ;-) And on vacation you can take them with you out of the car and the kids can have one unit and me and my wife can have the other. /Andreas
  7. Thanks, but I'm not trying to replace lights. I would like to install completely new LED lights.
  8. Thinking of installing a few extra, hidden, interior LED lights. Is there any way to hardwire these directly to the electrics so that they are controlled by the dimmer control?
  9. Can you really have video and audio in - in the aux-port? /Andreas
  10. Mine turns off automatically when locked - although I think there is a delay of about 30 seconds. (It doesn't turn off if it's in the last dimmer mode - always on. Although If I read the manual correctly I think that it does turn off in this mode as well - only it takes 10 minutes).
  11. To get the interior light to turn on you have to twist the interior dimmer light control on step from the off-mode. Its located on the headlights lever to the left of the steering wheel. (Be ware thought that if someone has manually turned on the interior lights they will remain lit even after the car is locked). Edit: Found in the manual that it WILL turn off to save battery. But it takes ten minutes. /Andreas
  12. I also have a Journey R/T 2.7 V6 with the key fob without the panic button. That has happened to me once to. On unlock the horn sounded once. In the US (downloaded) manual it says: If something has triggered the alarm in your absence, the horn will sound three times when you unlock the doors. Check the vehicle for tampering. It doesn't say anything about sounding once though. Although the manual do say that you can activate the horn to sound on lock: Sound Horn with Remote Key Lock This feature will cause the horn to chirp when the doors are locked with the transmitter. This feature can be turned on or turned off. To change the current setting, proceed as follows: But this is only on lock. Not on open. (And it says it will chirp - my was more like a short honk). That makes me draw the conclusion that the horn sounding once on unlock is either: Some type of notification of an error. Or a random fault. But I would really like to know for sure as well. /Andreas
  13. Now you don't have a location to where you are in your profile. But I know that you US guys sometimes doesn't have the same level of insurance coverage that we have here in sweden. If this had happened to me I think that I could get the back door repainted - covered by my home insurance accident coverage (or what it now can be called in english). And this to a fixed sum. If you have a home insurance - check with the insurance company if it could be covered. Is the paint completely gone? If it's only scratched and the metall isn't visible it maybe could be possible to wet-sand the area and only apply clear coat? /Andreas
  14. I'm hoping for an updated firmware from Dodge for the MyGig long before that. There is an updated firmware that do take care of this problem for the US MyGig, RER-version 9.807. But not for the others yet. Please contact Dodge directly, not the reseller, about this. That could possibly put some pressure on them. If not, our other hope is for iPhone OS 3.0 to take care of this… /Andreas
  15. The manual says that we should use Mopar® Total Clean and that: "Your leather upholstery can be best preserved by regular cleaning with a damp soft cloth. Small particles of dirt can act as an abrasive and damage the leather upholstery and should be removed promptly with a damp cloth. Stubborn soils can be removed easily with a soft cloth and Mopar® Total Clean. Care should be taken to avoid soaking your leather upholstery with any liquid. Please do not use polishes, oils, cleaning fluids, solvents, deter- gents, or ammonia-based cleaners to clean your leather upholstery. Application of a leather conditioner is not required to maintain the original condition." But my Journey had been used as a demo car when I bought it and the lighter colored leather on the fronts seats in the car were quite dirty. I bought Meguiar's Gold Class Rich Leather Cleaner/Conditioner and I were quite amazed with the result. I did try on a small spot first and didn't see any miss coloring or removal or color on the leather. Although I did get quite alarmed when looking on the cleaning cloth wile cleaning. It looked like the the product had removed some color from the leather - but i realized it were just a combination of the color of the cleaning liquid and the dirt - that produced nearly the same color as the seat :-) Anyway I can't visually see any difference between the cleaned front seats and the never cleaned back seats. All the dirt in all the small groves in the leather are completely gone. I also had a small scuff mark that also isn't as visible any longer. I can highly recommend it - in fact I have bought several of their products and I can say that I like them a lot. From their rim cleaner and tyre shine to micro fiber cloths. /Andreas
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