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walker last won the day on September 7 2012

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  1. Replacement camera installed and everything is working fine...At least for the moment. It was not working when we took it to the dealer for the new camera and has been performing well ever since...Fingers crossed!
  2. I asked the cleanup guy at my dealership what they use to clean these chrome clad rims. He said to use Windex and #3 steel wool...he claimed it will not scratch. I did my two rear rims in this way and they look great...the clean up was relatively easy and I put on a coat of wax afterward. I saw no scratching. Lord knows what will happen after using this technique repeatedly.
  3. Well, yesterday they replaced the suspect cable...Didn't fix the problem. They are ordering new replacement camera now. We can only hope. The camera has returned to operational and then died several times while we waited for the cable. Just before we went back to the dealer's shop for the camera our individual temperature controls went on the blink. The shop fixed that claiming it was a loose connection. before the repair the left control would go up but not down and just the opposite on the right control. Neat having all these hi-tech electronics but it seems they are just problems waiting to happen.
  4. Had my Journey in for service today and had the camera checked. Dealer said they found a code of B156D.00, performed needed diagnostics and ordered a replacement cable. It will be a couple of days before that comes in. Hopefully that will fix the problem...We'll see!
  5. Same thing on our 2012 Journey...Worked fine yesterday and nada today even after several off/ons. It's due for service anyway and should be covered under warranty...Will post when I know something.
  6. Yes that addresses putting tthe repaired wheel/tire back in the same location it was removed from. But I would imagine if it can update itself there, it should update for any wheel or wheels. I suppose I could dump some air from one tire to see if it reads the correct location, but I'm just too darn lazy! LOL Thanks for the reply
  7. Thanks for the replies. The manual doesn't address the tire rotation question....Unless I missed that part!
  8. When tires are rotated, do the pressure sensors need to be reset, or do they somehow know where the wheel positions were moved to?
  9. Got a call this morning from Dodge Customer Assist and the nice lady said my hitch should be available sometime this month...Hopefully by the middle of the month. I sure hope it was worth the long wait. I m impressed that since I contacted these folks that they have checked into the issue and are keeping in touch.
  10. We've had our 2012 Journey for about 6 months and already the warning that our mapping software is out of date popped up yesterday. I wonder if it will already cost us the $190 upgrade fee if we elect to go that route? That sure seems pretty hefty since I paid something like $80 for lifetime updatef for my Garmin Nuvi stand alone unit. Will this "Out of date" warning continue to pop up every time we turn the unit on? If so, is there a way to override the warning? Thanks in advance
  11. Jeez! Is everything Dodge backordered? We are still waiting for our hitch after many months!
  12. Hmmm...Got a set of locking lugs with my purchase but never installed them...This is a good incentive, even though we live in a relatively quiet area.
  13. Thanks...I certainly hope they will settle in. Right now the auto window feature is almost worthless. Funny I don't seem to have this problem on the passenger side, only the driver's side. Hopefully the passenger side has already settled.
  14. Interesting. I asked my service writer about this Journey brake problem and he said it's been corrected...That I have nothing to worry about. Time will tell, I suppose.
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