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Rubberdude88 last won the day on November 11 2013

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About Rubberdude88

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    Canada Ontario

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  1. Jeff. Does your DJ still have the original tires on it? Tire choice as we all know is key to winter handling and performance.
  2. I've changed a tire in a mall parking lot before, people looked & gauked but they always keep walking. They were probally able to do it without so much as a peep out of Christmas shoppers. Disgusting. It takes concerned citizens to stop this kind of tweaker activity.
  3. That's the Emergency personal. If the cars not a write off when they arrive, it is when they leave but... Thank you to all Emergency Responders! They can be life savers.
  4. Polish it with Rain-x. It helps a bit
  5. Get an Android, problem solved. Somebody had to :)
  6. I like the "missing" license pkate holder. Wish we could run in Canada without them. Looking good. Is that the bright red or brilliant red? Depending on the pic angle, sometimes mine looks red where in others you can clearly see the pearl coat - bit darker looking.
  7. I've searched as well and this or dealer are about the only options right now. I remember reading somewhere about a guy who trimmed down the H10 and he was able to make it fit? Not sure if possible or not. I'm also on the lookout for maybe an LED replacement. I'll update the forum if I find anything.
  8. All these responses and not one Brilliant Red Tri-coat Pearl? I would like to add one
  9. Sounds nice. Enjoy your new 13' DJ. I have to agree, the centre stack and instrument cluster work well for placement and visibility.
  10. Cheers guys. Looks like Christmas is best. Sounds right. Already took first steps - went and looked around and dropped my email address to 2 sales. Already been contacted Let the games begin!
  11. This sounds like our 2012 SXT but with lots of extras - 19's too. Ours is closer to an RT than an SXT.Congrats.
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