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Everything posted by Mcgusto82

  1. No. The resigned model will be out 2014. It's continued based on the DART platform.
  2. With gas being as expensive as it is, theyll fill it with water and drain it b4 they give away a full tank of gas. Lol.
  3. *** without pictures, this thread is kind of useless... In other words, pictures please.
  4. To me, that looks more like a defect rather than wear. Take it in, have them replace it.
  5. Sorry to hear you're having problems. Fortunately, this isn't a common problem (from being on the forum for a while) Good luck.
  6. Vey nice. All those options, should've got a crew instead.. Got a good deal?
  7. I take that back. Seems like you CAN fit 22s. Still, best bet before you buy anything sight unseen (tried). Make sure by going to your local shop.
  8. I think, he's saying. No. You can't fit 22s. The space is tight between the tire and strut coil. Try going to a shop and see what actually fits.
  9. Piece of advise.. Most states have some sort of law that prohibits video playback anywhere where it's visible to the driver. Be carefull, state troopers are eager to pull someone over.
  10. I haven't burnt or had any computer errors on my caravan. If had it for a little over a year. So I wouldn't worry about it. Drive it snd enjoy it.
  11. The flickering shouldn't be visible to other drivers, if it's very slight, like mine. I've seen my wife drive my car away, can't notice the flicker. Now the actual problem with HID aftermarket kits, is the crazy light pattern. If you're concern, just adjust your lights down some. There's kits on the market that are specially made for canbus controlled cars like the DJ. They cost a little more, and the ballast is a little bigger. Just search - 9006 HID canbus -
  12. Lebowski, every now and then, you whine a lot. But unlike a lot of other people, you are truly usefull when u want to be. -that's a compliment. Half assed, but it is. I've been looking everywhere for that video. I even asked one of the different sellers. It's interesting, you'd basically have 2 radios in the car.
  13. Depends on what radio you have. On the 4.3, only telephone commands work. On the 8.4, you can control radio functions also.
  15. As long as you don't have any flickering and they come on with the engine running, I would leave it just like that. The slim (digital) ballast don't "need" to be connected to the battery relay. I see the input voltage is very broad, maybe that's why they are not flickering. Every hid kit I've seen on new cars flicker cause they are not canbus. Either way, enjoy them and don't worry about it. I have a kit on my caravan, the flickering is minimal. I can only notice it if I'm facing a flat white wall , and engine running. My main issue is the lights not always turning on with the engine running. I have to predict if I'm going to need the lights on at start up. Lmao!! I've tried the relay too, and shorted it 2 hours into it. I've just adapt to it by now. 😏
  16. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MOPAR-HITCH-RECEIVER-FOR-JOURNEY-2009-2012-82210403AB-/230847682200?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3ADodge%7CModel%3AJourney&hash=item35bf981698&vxp=mtr#ht_1257wt_897 I typed in dodge journey hitch. That listing has 5 available.
  17. 1st.. What kind of kit are they? How much? Slim blast? Can bus compatible? 2nd.. When u say fine, no flickering at all? Tried turning on/off with engine running?
  18. Dont know if you've tried, I did a search on eBay, and I saw the mopar hitch available. That's what I mean. Just cancel the chrysler order. No way I'd hold for them that long.
  19. The '11 DJ rotors CAN be machined, unless they are worn down too thin. There's an actual measurement they have to go by. Maybe YOURS is too thin, but not all '11s. Another thing, what do they mean 1year?? Did u buy it used? I'd suggest calling Chrysler directly, they shouldn't be charging u for the rotors. These cars have weak brakes and they know it.
  20. Atleast it's just a back ordered hitch. It's not like it's leaking fluid from the rear diff or anything.. LoL. (just busting your balls) But seriously, can't you cancel the order and try sourcing it somewhere else?
  21. Idk... My '11 caravan had the rear brakes and rotors replaced @ 9.6k miles. I do believe, both the DJ & caravan use the same brakes. I've had multiple brake issues since I had an 08 caravan. I can feel the fronts starting to go too. Car is about 16 months old and 21k miles. I simply don't think they have fixed the weak brakes from 08. Luckily, my DJ is a VERY light use car (the wife has put 1,700 miles in 4 months). So I'm not worried about them.
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