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Everything posted by Mcgusto82

  1. You can tab your positive line to the yellow corner parking lights. That also keeps your fogs on as long they are on.
  2. Had the politicians stuck to the original deal, had the public not put soo much pressure on the government.. Politicians aren't good with money. All they know how to do, is get people emotional, and spend money. They were so eager to close the book on the deal (pressure from the public) that they took whatever they could as fast as possible. That's why so much money was lost. A person can be a smart being, but when u rally them together, they become extensions of the loudest idiot. It's OUR fault we took a hit. Btw, I'm in no way, shape, or form, associated with the car industry. I too saw the 09 journey, and thought... I'll pass. The loan was a good idea mr tax payer.
  3. Try not to re start the car too many times. The eng light will clear itself, and you'll end up wasting your time at the dealer.
  4. Make a show in the showroom. Throw a fit! That might get their attention.
  5. I've partially taken the back panels off. Time consuming.. I don't want to do it again. LoL. Do the rear hatch for s#!+ and giggles. Not that difficult to take apart. It shouldn't rattle afterwards.
  6. Just about all modern car carpeting has substantial insulation. That's not where I'd add insulation. Look in the rear door panels, on the 3rd row paneling, and the hatch. That's where they would skimp on insulation. Question.. If you yourself say the DJ is pretty quite, why bother "trying" to make it quiter??
  7. You need the lock pick. It gives you video in/out. Or you can try and find the video signals from the harness. Search "mygig lockpick" on eBay. That's the route I'd go.
  8. K&N holds a patent to that design. Chrysler can't just go around "copying" patented designs from other companyies. That aside, I have no clue to weather or not it works as advertised. But even if it did, The price Chrysler charges us, end users, is no where near what Chrysler is paying for it. The price K&N would charge Chrysler is likely 2-3 times the paper filter. If they can save 1$ per car, you do the math. That's the reason Chrysler doesn't use it.
  9. ONLY? that's not the right word. The car has a ton of miles for a '12. I concur, there was a bad run of heads on the 3.6s. However, it effected '11 year cars. If it in fact is a '12 with 36,000 miles on it. The previous owner drove the hell out of it. I hope you got the extended warranty. Good luck though.
  10. They is a wrecker from Michigan. And I just found out the bezel isn't included and don't seem to have it available... Poop! If you take out your 4.3 AC panel, you'll see that the cut out is already there, it just isn't finalized or punched thru. I think it fits. I just want to make sure, electronically, it works.
  11. I'm sorry, I know this is bring discussed in a billion plus 1 threads already, sorry I'm Wasting precious cyberspace!! Ok, I'm on the verge of buying the 8.4 w/nav, they want (130$) for the receiver, and the actual screen (310$). This doesn't include the AC control panel (SD) slot. So my question is.. Do I NEED that panel. Honestly, I couldn't care less for the SD card option. Will my current, non auto AC panel work with the 8.4 receiver? I know it will physically fit. They want another 130$ for the correct panel. I'm thinking.. meh! If I could save that money I will. Any thoughts?
  12. I perfectly understand that no man made machine will ever be perfect. That doesn't mean I should accept it breaking down so early in its life. I myself work on 100k sterilizers, THEY break down, some customers accept it as is, some make a fuzz about it. Guess who gets their sterilizers fixed first??
  13. Why don't you just keep a spare battery in your glove box? I'm getting the feeling that keeping a spare key IN the car is a terrible idea. LoL Something in the realm of insurance denying theft claim. The manual does say that the key works with a dead battery. If its anything like the caravan key. The claim is accurate, car starts with a dead key battery. (not push to start, but there isn't sn actual key either) Btw, welcome to the forum. Enjoy your DJ
  14. People expect a new car not to have issues that could possibly leave them stranded on the road. That's the reason people pay 30k for a new car, instead of paying 15k for a used one. I was ok with my car having defects and problems, I would've bought a used 07 Pacifica for less than 10k.
  15. Some elbow grease, and you'd have yourself a new radio. Don't be afraid, if he did it, why can't you?? Besides, the OEM radio mounts on the front, if you need to replace it, I'm sure it would go back in just fine. I say go, but it's up to you. Good luck.
  16. Congratulations to your wife and happy birthday to you... I think. Lol Good luck with your new, ehgh!! I mean your wife's car.
  17. RADIO INSTALL DOUBLE-DIN DASH KIT 95-6511 2007-2011 DODGE VEHICLES You need that. There shouldn't be anything to modify. The install should be simple and sweet. I had an 08 caravan. Very similar set up.
  18. You need this METRA AXXESS XSVI-6522-NAV AFTERMARKET RADIO WIRING INTERFACE FOR SELECT CHRYSLER VEHICLES Look it up in eBay. If you're interested, I have the ASWC module I could sell you. It's to keep your steering wheel radio buttons (if u have them) The antenna depends on the size of the plug for the Sony.
  19. You need this METRA AXXESS XSVI-6522-NAV AFTERMARKET RADIO WIRING INTERFACE FOR SELECT CHRYSLER VEHICLES Look it up in eBay. If you're interested, I have the ASWC module I could sell you. It's to keep your steering wheel radio buttons (if u have them) The antenna depends on the size of the plug for the Sony.
  20. NICE!! I hope you got a Can-bus compatible kit.
  21. Nice!! All around luxurious. Loving the leather seats. A car looks a thousand times cleaner without a boatload of car seats like mine does. Car seats.. Huge stroller.. Even had to remove the second row head rest..
  22. Yeah. You like the '12 interior?, trade in your current ride. I don't like saying anything is impossible, but this isn't worthwhile. I'm having a hard enough time getting just the hardware to swap out the 4.3 radio for the 8.4 (at the right price that is)
  23. The only way you MIGHT be able to do something like this, is if you HAVE a donor car right there with you. There is SO MUCH difference from the two. Even I wouldn't try this. Wouldn't be just the dashboard. You'd prolly need door panels too, the center console, then there's the matter with the key. Yours has a keyed ignition, the 11s have push button. You'd need mounting hardware for your key socket. It's not a quick swap. .
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