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Everything posted by Mcgusto82

  1. The DJ 8.4 doesn't have this option. You might have seen it on the mygig radios. My '15 caravan has this option to delay the camera.
  2. No. You need the AUTO button on the center knob for the 8.4 to work properly. I've been giving this a lot of thought.. I did this a couple years back. I think what's needed, isn't a wire harness, it's the auto temp sensors, (3 w/ 3 row), and the rear control with AUTO knobs. Then flash. I can't imagine dodge manufacturing 2diff harness. 1 for auto temp, one for non auto. Specially with today's tech that can run either just based on software instructions. Just simply, not install the sensors.
  3. My SXT doesn't light up at all (only drvrs window auto down) My caravan with auto up/down switches lights up the L/R mirror switches when either is pressed. Yellow light. They shut off eventually.
  4. When I went from my 4.3s to the 8.4 RE2, I sourced all parts from a 2012 car. My car is also a 2012. The theft code started late 2012. I'm not familiar with MPT or how it effects music playback on our radios. In either case, only the radio module is needed to answer original q? Good luck.
  5. You need the RB5 radio. I'd also go for a 2012 or 2011 to avoid the issue with security code. Just the radio. All the car needs to add nav is a radio module swap. Your RE2 radio set up (8.4 w/sat radio) has the satellite antenna that the RB5 needs in order to work.
  6. The CD player is not separate of the radio. The radio/HU is one assembly box. Sits behind the AC. Sounds to me like your radio is going bad. If warranty still applies, dealer.
  7. The next DJ will be based on the platform that underpins the dart, Cherokee, and 200
  8. The auto setting is what turns it to 7 when the lights come on. Right now you have it set to stay on 10 all the time.
  9. Nothing to it. I believe the theft code applies to the screen , not the radio module. No dealer flash either. Should be a simple swap. If u got sat radio, you're nav ready. What's the price on that RE5 radio btw?
  10. My 6+ won't play any music on USB in my '12 It takes about 5 minutes to auto connect via Bluetooth, AND it says audio paired, but music doesn't play in car. My old 4s used to work ok. My wife's note 3 works as desired. Apple and the "updates"...
  11. The journey doesn't come close to caravan in interior room. The palace behind the 3rd row is like comparing the space behind the front seats of a miata to a Taurus. I know, I have both of these.
  12. So when I upgraded to the 8.4 from the 4.3s there was the issue with "auto climate" not responding to screen changes to the temp setting. Does anyone have any new info on this? Was anyone able to find a fix?
  13. I think you need to set your galaxy to read as an external drive when USB connected. And the reason why nothing else works is cause you don't have the Bluetooth feature. It's not a standard feature.
  14. What is the difference between the 8.4A, and 8.4? What cars does it come in?
  15. This is strange cause even in a can bus controlled car, you still have standard signals going to the speakers. Unless your not using the correct ground at each speaker.
  16. The 4.3 does not come factory w/navigation. Someone else tinkered with it and probably messed something up. That's unfortunate, but your only hope is to go back to whoever sold you the car and try to get them to fix it, as they sold you a car with possibly faulty aftermarket equipment. Good luck
  17. Sorry to hear that it's now worse. I know it must be frustrating. But yeah, try the lemon law now.
  18. Try swapping keys with your wife, also why do you look the car with the inside door button? Have you tried locking with the outside door button, how does it act then? Have you tried locking the doors remotely from they fob? How does it act then?
  19. That's funny. I find the 3.6 in the caravan is quicker than the DJ AWD. With the TC off, the van does nice burn outs. ( on the highway on ramp of course)
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