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Everything posted by Mcgusto82

  1. You should order yourself a new FOB and program it yourself while you still can. Seems to me like your current FOB is coming loose/apart somewhere. Or maybe your battery is loose.
  2. It's normal. The DJ uses the heater core upfront yo warm up the rear vents. Longer distance, different routing.. Not really sure, but it is normal. Correction.. It's normal IN THIS CAR. The grand caravan has an auxiliary heater in the rear, snd it warms up like a champ.
  3. Pandora has become annoying too. I used to pay, cause I could skip 5 songs per hr, per station. Now it's 10 songs per day, 5 on the 1st station. 😒 So now I go free. Satellite is good for sports and theme music.
  4. Oh ok. I was thinking the 2014. The 2013 still had the mygig. Congratulations! I love the Durango. Even more so the '14.
  5. I may be wrong but if your DJ had the mygig hard drive, then you can't. You can only put data in it, you can't take it out. ...and, the Durango has a hard drive?
  6. I mean, when you add the factory fog light kit, you need to get the car flashed and add it b4 u can use it.
  7. Nothing is plug and play in the DJ. Fog lights require at minimum a flash to the car.
  8. Isn't the fiat freemont available as a right hand drive? I'd start by searching European models. Those will have our passenger seat as the drivers, and likely a power seat.
  9. Unless you have new info on the hvac error with the 8.4 screen, don't waste your time. Dealer won't be able to help you. Your TIPM won't take the update. It'll kick it back as an incorrect component. If you've got new info please share it.
  10. My caravan with its pentastar has 42k miles.
  11. Maybe you should've refrained from saying anything at all. This is a fair question. This is a new owner that's questioning the quality of his car. We should help him/her feel safer, not badgered by you.
  12. Mcgusto82


    Welcome. What year Durango did you come off? I ask cause I'm really liking the new durangos. From what others have said, you can get better sound by replacing your speakers, maybe add an amplifier. There are no current radios that can replace our DJ radios out there. Yore going to have to replace your rear subwoofer to add strong bass.
  13. I have both, an 11 caravan, and a 12 DJ. You gotta compare trim to trim. The DJ feels like a smoother car, quiter, a little snuggier. The van feels livelier, roomier, eager to drop gears, and much more usuful interior. Plus, if you add the super console, you loose a lot of the minivan feel (a good thing) If you have kids, the van is the way to go. When it comes to replace the DJ, it'll likely be a town snd country. The DJ is a great small SUV, but a little tight for a growing family.
  14. This is behind my DJ radio screen. That top black piece is the telematics module. The parts manual shows 05064986AE RSP 05064987AE. RSQ as the telematics module. The last 3 letters are sales code, no idea what each is.
  15. The Japan tsunami a couple if years ago forced dodge to put the 4.3 radio on a few RTs if I remember correctly. And to add bluethooth.. Do you have the mic rear view mirror? You should as that's the auto dim mirror that dodge uses now. Then you might just need the Bluethoot module. It sits behind your 8.4 screen. It's not part of the radio or screen. That also means you'd need the dealer to activate it. Nav, you'll need the nav radio module. RB5 code.
  16. I work as a field technician for hospital decontamination. I run into this scenario often. Any time that our equipment fails and damages something else, they refuse to pay for those damages. Wear item or not. We also work on a contract basis, do we have to try and keep them happy, and as long as it isn't absurd, I give in. I think dodge should've given the break pads at the rear. Weather or not he got 3 years of usage, at this point, no one can tell if they would've lasted another 3, or 6. The most anyone can do is ASSume. The fact is, his breaks failed by no fault of his. Took time out of his day to take the car in. If dodge or the dealer wanted to wow the customer, he would've got new brakes at the rear for free. Maybe their #s add up differently than mine. I make way more money on retaining contracts/customer than if I nickel and dime them.
  17. Bought off the lot in may '12. Built date of nov '11 No problems what so ever buttery smooth. Grand Caravan, ordered from factory feb '11 Bunch of problems from small to big.
  18. That's TOO MUCH for a used radio. Try car-parts.com
  19. Not a nav radio. This is a 4.3 radio. It doesn't have the SD card slot that all 8.4 radios have.
  20. If the engine shut itself off, damage was done. Only way to truly know is to open the block.
  21. Who knows, maybe they'll make the same mistake as with the Pacifica, and aspen...
  22. So let me understand.. You just recently bought the car new? If so, do you still have the khumos that came with the car? What happened to those? Why did you swap them? Just cause of the mileage warranty? Either way, if you have them, put them back on.. Problem still there? That's how you get dodge to admit, realize that the Goodyear have nothing to do with the vibes. At that point, you shouldn't have to pay for nothing else as it'll be mechanical, and that's warranty work regardless how much it cost THEM to diagnose and fix. Have you tried another make dealer. They'd be happy to take your money too. Maybe they can figure the prob, then send dodge the bill. They can't fight you on it. It's not like you haven't given them a chance to fix the problem.
  23. You're absolutely correct. Now just swap that paper filter for s K&N mesh filter, and you've got a CAI.
  24. Interestingly enough. My 11 caravan has been doing this since they did the tranny recall. Last month, dealer found nothing out the ordinary.. But progressively, it's getting worse. It's somewhat embarrassing when other people riding your car say, "isn't this car supposed to be new?" "Why does it sound like that?" "Should've gotten an import". Lol. Hopefully, as it gets worse, dealer can finally do something about it. Anyways, try to stay positive, you're still a year away from 80k
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